#Loqi๐ Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the IndieWeb community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other IndieWeb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_started
#[tantek]2lbfaco ^ take a look and let us know how we can help!
#lbfacothank you! I've actually set up a github page
#lbfacobut its pretty much in a "Hello world!" stage atm
#lbfacoand my plan is to go through mozilla developers network
#lbfacoand increment the website as I learn new stuff
#lbfacoi've went through the css and html part of it a couple of years ago when i had more time, but it kinda faded as i didn't keep working on it
#lbfaconow i have some time on my hands again and was thinking about giving it a try again
#lbfacodoes it sound like a good way to get started?
petermolnar joined the channel
#[tantek]2yes! that sounds quite reasonable! I'd say you're ready to start figuring out a personal domain name to use to serve your static github page!
petermolnar and Kupietz joined the channel
#KupietzLbfaco welcome aboard! Another thing you might enjoy is the front end study hall zoom meetings
#KupietzI think youโll find a lot of people there, as well as in chat here, willing to answer questions and help out
sebbu2 joined the channel
#KupietzI think if youโre just starting to get your feet wet in HTML and CSS, some of the things people that get discussed there might be a bit advanced at first, because itโs people of all skill levels, including a couple of pretty experienced folks. But itโs all very friendly, helpful people and can be a great resource.
#[tantek]2FrESH++ events are great! Highly recommended and very well run by [Joe_Crawford]++
#LoqiFrESH has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
#Loqi[Joe_Crawford] has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
petermolnar joined the channel
#[tantek]2I am seriously overthinking coffee serving venue attributes, even when I tried to come up with a "short list" of flattened attributes that are "interesting/important" to me ๐ https://indieweb.org/User:Tantek.com/venue-category-emojis#coffee_venues_flattened_common_attributes โ would love your reactions / insights / feedback capjamesg[d], [Joe_Crawford], gRegor and any other dedicated cafe-goers
#[tantek]2(this is all for figuring out how to best cluster, list, display coffee serving venues and recommended lists thereof on my personal site, obv)
#[tantek]2I will eventually crack the code of a good coffee venue taxonomy
#[tantek]2it helps to have (1) a real world source of examples you are categorizing; (2) a strategy for evolving your taxonomy based on new real world information
#[tantek]2that way you can avoid (1) the trap of going super-academic into theoreticals like volcanoes with fax machines (schema-org insanity); (2) being trapped inside a brittle taxonomy, especially hierarchical, that breaks when one or more new real world things show up that don't fit into it, or worse, fit into multiple categories in a "strict" taxonomy