#allahIs the fee for 'transferring' a domain from one registrar to another separate from the fee for registering that domain for another year?
gRegor joined the channel
#[morganm]I updated my website to take down the christmas tree, decided to add a post about what I am doing going into 2025, wanted to share π https://www.morganwebdev.org/
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "January commitments" yet. Would you like to create it?_W (Or just say "January commitments is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#Loqinewwwyear is a hashtag (#NewwwYear for better readability) portmanteau of βnewβ, βWWWβ for the World Wide Web, and βyearβ, proposed at the end of 2017 by Jamie McHale and popularized by Jen Simmons to encourage people to tweet their personal website plan for the upcoming new year, similar to the annual IndieWeb commitments wiki pages that began at the end of 2014 with 2015-01-01-commitments https://indieweb.org/newwwyear
#[morganm]My actual commitment is a little dour, basically I have no plans for expansion and only reduction of my website. Im currently waiting for several domains to expire so I have only 3 after once having 7
klymilark, AcesAndEights, claudine, grufwub, gRegor, gRegorLove_, GuestZero, nemonical, Zamolxis and RapidRotator joined the channel
#funkylarmaYesterdays task of backfeeding my Swarm data worked. It was a quick and simple process of reading the JSON files from aaronpk[d] handy exporter. This then went into creating Markdown files with frontmatter of just the venue name and lat,long records so that I can map it out. Nothing too complex but a quick way to get all 1850 entries into my own domain
#funkylarmaThe downside, is that my 11ty buildtime has gone from around 50 seconds to nearly 4 minutes. Think I have just found m next task π
ttybitnik, ren, glacier and nemonical joined the channel
#cozisxHello everyone! I recently got into the indie web concept and decided to make my website more indie web-friendly. I'm still figuring out how the various protocols work
#glacierone of the first things I did when I learned about the indieweb was to add microformats like a h-card and h-feed to restructure my homepage
#glacierit's pretty easy and you can use the microformat classes to style components as well
#cozisxwhat is the primary use of h-cards? Making it easy to create a website preview when linking to it?
#glaciermy understanding is h-cards help websites crawl your website for meta data
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "porkbun" yet. Would you like to create it?_X (Or just say "porkbun is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[Joe_Crawford], aelaraji5, ttybitnik, thegreekgeek, sebbu2, jonnybarnes5, krjst, rossabaker, Byron, barnaby, shoesNsocks, gRegor, gganbu, GuestZero_, sebbu, antranigv, bterry1, klymilark, [jeremycherfas], merlins, aaronpk and mary1 joined the channel