2024-12-31 UTC
Guest22 joined the channel
# [tantek] if that's a developer tool perhaps describe it in #indieweb-dev
# gRegor It's a domain registrar, redirect already set up :)
# gRegor Welcome, Bubblegumdrop, happy almost New Year! Working on anything on your personal site for the new year (or in general)?
klymilark, wobbol, grufwub and wimpyanteater joined the channel
jimw and klymilark joined the channel
# Loqi [KevinMarks] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
rvalue- joined the channel
Guest6_ joined the channel
# Loqi [jeremycherfas] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
# Loqi jeremycherfas has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
Oclair, user23, klymilark, aelaraji7, Xe and gRegor joined the channel; gganbu left the channel
# mattbcool Happy New Years Indiewebers!
# IWDiscord <mattbcool>
bterry1 joined the channel
# [morganm] Happy new year~ ! Got married this year, the biggest thing for me.
GuestZero, sebbu2 and bterry2 joined the channel
# [tantek] Another remaining use-case for POSSE to Twitter: recommendations for charitable / non-profit donations
mdemo2 joined the channel
# [tantek] HNY indieweb EU friends! [jeremycherfas] [Joschi_Kuphal] marcthiele Zegnat [sebsel]