carrvo[d]jeremycherfas++ that was an interesting read for sure. I know that I made an intentional switch from properly ingesting information to hording it when I went to uni because I wanted to use my limited time gathering resources that I expected to ingest over a decade or more (longer than uni would be anyway).
carrvo[d]I also have an intentional issue with information hording (or tag overload as you call it) with my own ramblings over the years, or at least those I wrote down on scraps of paper (pending a more sharable medium, if I choose to).
carrvo[d]But with both of these I have at times parused through them, usually with a mult-year delay. And I have been more diligent with limiting my tagging. Does this still count towards what you were commenting on?
jeremycherfasI know the feeling carrvo[d] I've been trying to make more physical space in my bookshelves, and came across 20 years of notebooks, mostly unopened since they were first closed. Then I opened the first one and immediately found things I do not want to throw away. So the plan is to flick through each one and pull out the stuff I really think I might want to save.
[tantek]who else waits until the 1st to assemble / post their actual prior year in summary, counting all the days of the year, rather than just "most"?