#indieweb 2025-01-02

2025-01-02 UTC
claudinec joined the channel
[schmarty], melm and klymilark joined the channel
knocked out 3 indieweb posts today. I'd say that's a good start to 2025
mdemo2 joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "What comes after Web 2.0?" https://havenweb.org/2025/01/01/web2.html
[tantek] what is an indieweb post as opposed to a regular post? Just that the topic is related to indieweb principles?
mdemo2 joined the channel
yes, I should have said about indieweb as a topic
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (138 in all channels)
mdemo2, grufwub, cptaffe, klymilark1, [KevinMarks] and cedric joined the channel
continuing the on topic of information about venues, recommendations thereof etc., one of the very useful features on various venue aggregation / query services whether Maps apps from Apple/Google or Foursquare was "show what is open now" or indirectly showing open vs closed vs "closing soon" information.
this information is often wrong in many interesting edge-cases. two in particular: 1. holidays and days adjacent to them, and 2. the last 1-3 hours before the "posted" closing time. I have many empirical data points of say Google Maps or Apple Maps or Foursquare being wrong about opening hours, both on holidays, and within an hour of closing time.
this (common) flaw in reporting of opening/closing times has indieweb-relevance in that I don't want to share inaccurate information if/when I'm posting about venues on my own site in particular (it's fine for Google or Apple or Foursquare to be wrong, because they are just "companies" and people expect companies to frequently make mistakes)
the difference is, people IMO typically assign more trust to individuals they know than they do to companies. thus if I'm going to recommend a venue, especially opening hours, I want to convey that information with whatever "fuzziness" is necessary to more accurately convey the possibility of the venue(s) being closed. curious what approaches folks have come up with, for conveying such information from their personal sites.
cedric and bterry1 joined the channel
I remind local places to update their hours in Google if there is some variation from usual. They often think that posting on FB or Instagram is enough to reach their customers.
There isn't usually a good feedback loop for them to find out if people found them unexpectedly closed
ttybitnik, cedric, [schmarty]1, [KevinMarks]1, Tiffnya, wobbol, dehuszar, tbaldauf and zenfunkpanda joined the channel
Very indieweb
Guest6, cedric, bterry1, user23, Powdered1063, ttybitnik, [mattl], GuestZero, aelaraji4 and btrem joined the channel
Front End Study Hall #018 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/jSXCx17D9a63
What is the topic of the study hall? The link doesn't say.
It looks like we don't have a page for "topic of the study hall" yet. Would you like to create it?_k (Or just say "topic of the study hall is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Ha ha ha. Oh Loqi.
troojg joined the channel
[mattl]: I found that link. It describes the Study Hall in general terms, but does not say what today's topic is.
I swear that previous Study Halls had a specific topic. Am I wrong about that?
bring your own front end questions, @btrem
Got it. More of a general q and a.
that page has some questions for future events
cedric joined the channel
We've had some ideas for topics in mind, and keep them on the main Front End Study Hall page, but mostly we have not had predetermined topics, I intend them to be useful to whomever has chosen to participate. More conversation than pure Q&A. I hope that helps.
[Joe_Crawford]++ yes, that does help, thanks.
[Joe_Crawford] has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (115 in all channels)
I was deliberate about calling it a Study Hall in that I wanted an open-ended format. But I'm certainly open to whatever folks find useful.
Fair point, "study hall" /does/ sort of mean open ended. :)
cedric joined the channel
But in terms of these events, my door is always open to suggestions and questions about them. https://artlung.com/fresh/ ... here in chat, the wiki, Mastodon, Bluesky, email, I'll get it eventually.
taking it back to more user-centric topics (which I will gladly acknowledge are very welcome at FrESH events, thank you [Joe_Crawford]!), regarding year in review posts and services, I just got an email from LastFM titled "Your Playback24 and Last.Year reports are OUT NOW."
LastFM has 1 karma over the last year
LastFM++ kudos to them for waiting until the actual full year was finished, then allowing people a "break" on the 1st, before sending such a notification
wow this is so much better than Spotify Unwrapped
Powdered1063 joined the channel
in case folks are curious, the LastFM "Last.Year Report" is apparently public! e.g. mine is here https://www.last.fm/user/tantekc/listening-report/year
^ [mattl] I'm sure some interesting ideas for you!
cedric, Powdered1063, troojg, gRegor and melm joined the channel
[KevinMarks] that post you shared was quite indieweb (without saying it). Interest critiques of Mastodon too: https://chrisholdgraf.com/blog/2024/bluesky#why-not-use-mastodon