roffiWhat do you think about ... is it good to host your html-websites there? (I have no idea where else I can host html files as websites)
Loqistatic web hosting is a web hosting service (AKA static hosting or file hosting) that only supports serving static files for a web site, is often more reliable, cheaper (some are free), a good way for web developers to get started on the IndieWeb, and used by many community members
roffi* I will need to check out these static hosting providers/ read more on them and if they offer free hosting of small websites (smaller than 5 MegaByte)
[jeremycherfas], Dryusdan, ttybitnik, fishcoder, athan and alfiee joined the channel
osteophageHey roffi. I've been using Neocities since September, and it's worked well enough for me so far. Only issue I've run into is that it doesn't let me implement a webmentions submission form directly on my site, so I have to link it instead.
osteophageI thought I must've been coding it wrong, but it turned out to be an issue with the Neocities Content Security Policy:
osteophage[edit] I thought I must've been coding it wrong, but it turned out to be an issue with the Neocities Content Security Policy:
EdI'm playing a bit with Ghost and I'm trying to implement h-cards, webmentions and so on, but it seems a bit... weird to do so without modifying core components
GWGNot a Ghost person... but we have a -dev room for tech questions like that... I'm sure someone has some advice. We try to keep the main room like a lobby...for getting to know new people and talking more abstract stuff.
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