#[tantek]librefm++ for a very easy sign-up and user account activation. [mattl]++
#Loqilibrefm has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
#Loqi[mattl] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
mgjertson and roffi joined the channel
#roffiWhat do you think about neocities.org https://neocities.org/ ... is it good to host your html-websites there? (I have no idea where else I can host html files as websites)
#Loqistatic web hosting is a web hosting service (AKA static hosting or file hosting) that only supports serving static files for a web site, is often more reliable, cheaper (some are free), a good way for web developers to get started on the IndieWeb, and used by many community members https://indieweb.org/static_hosting
#roffithanks, I will check these out ... currently I can only check out the free ones, because I can not pay on the internet
#roffi* I will need to check out these static hosting providers/ read more on them and if they offer free hosting of small websites (smaller than 5 MegaByte)
[jeremycherfas], Dryusdan, ttybitnik, fishcoder, athan and alfiee joined the channel
#osteophageHey roffi. I've been using Neocities since September, and it's worked well enough for me so far. Only issue I've run into is that it doesn't let me implement a webmentions submission form directly on my site, so I have to link it instead.
#osteophageThat's correct. We had a conversation figuring this out a few days ago in #indieweb-dev
#osteophageI thought I must've been coding it wrong, but it turned out to be an issue with the Neocities Content Security Policy: https://neocities.org/contact#ccsp
#osteophage[edit] I thought I must've been coding it wrong, but it turned out to be an issue with the Neocities Content Security Policy: https://neocities.org/contact#ccsp
#osteophageShoutout to gRegor for figuring that out.
roffi joined the channel
#roffithanks @osteophage & @Loqi & @doesnm ! https://indieweb.org/static_hosting is a good pointer on the topic. I will also check out webmention.io
#EdI'm playing a bit with Ghost and I'm trying to implement h-cards, webmentions and so on, but it seems a bit... weird to do so without modifying core components
#GWGNot a Ghost person... but we have a -dev room for tech questions like that... I'm sure someone has some advice. We try to keep the main room like a lobby...for getting to know new people and talking more abstract stuff.
#Loqiš¬ Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/discuss
#GuestZeroI was about to ask the exact same thing ^^