[Laura_Hilliger]↩️ thanks! Anything in particular I should know about this community? I’ve been aware of it for…a good long while, but never engaged specifically with IWC (I mean, I’m guessing there’s some overlap here with my networks 😉 Anyway, hi everyone!
raccoondev7I am having a lot of dissonance in general as I'm trying to learn CS... meaning if I believe in KISS and just use the simple ways then everything is there already, not to mention GPT
[tantek]For example, the simplest/cheapest path to an indieweb site today is to get your domain from a registrar, and then hook it up to a high quality indieweb-as-service like https://micro.one/
Loqi🎉 Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the IndieWeb community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other IndieWeb essentials https://indieweb.org/getting_started