#LoqiLongevity is the goal of keeping your online presence, data, and code as future-friendly and future-proof as possible; it is one of the indieweb principles https://indieweb.org/longevity
#trinsic_paridiomI was wondering about some specifics If this is covered in the longevity article, let me know. My site is hosted on github using Netlify. It is an SSG using Hugo. Im concerned about the longevity of the site because I have to renew the SSL certificate every year. Much of my content doesn't need to be behind SSL and if I die or become incapacitated, it like to have that content available. At one point I was thinking about may
#trinsic_paridiom[edit] I was wondering about some specifics If this is covered in the longevity article, let me know. My site is hosted on github using Netlify. It is an SSG site using Hugo. Im concerned about the longevity of the site because I have to renew the SSL certificate every year. Much of my content doesn't need to be behind SSL and if I die or become incapacitated, it like to have that content available. At one point I was thinki
#Loqifriendly reminder trinsic_paridiom, we try to keep dev talk (certificate, SSG, SSL) out of this channel, can you move to #indieweb-dev?
[aciccarello], klymilark, ren, jeremycherfas, saulosilva, qbasiq, grufwub, gRegor, [morganm], jimw3, angelo, alifib, cdravcte, rvalue- and chrisaldrich joined the channel
#chrisaldrichIn case anyone is wondering, the Eaton Fire in Pasadena is a few blocks from our house and we've made it out safely under the mandatory evacuation order. With luck the neighborhood is okay in the morning...
#edmaelWhat do you mean with offline support? I'm curious
nemonical and [Murray] joined the channel
#[Murray]Love that Henry's new blog page _starts_ with a "discovery" section, linking to other personal sites and articles around the web: https://henry.codes/writing/
#Loqioffline is anytime you're not online and connected to the internet; on the IndieWeb, a personal site can have offline support by implementing an offline first approach https://indieweb.org/offline
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "streak" yet. Would you like to create it?_r (Or just say "streak is ____", a sentence describing the term)