ZamolxisRegarding the freeourfeeds, I think what should happen is not to flock on something like activitypub, mastodon or similar patterns, but to go old school web0 where everyone has his/her own domain/subdomain (ie, indieweb) instead of yet another protocol/system...
[mike579]Still, wouldn't protocols that can connect a personal site to this broader network be a good thing? Because I agree that popularizing personal websites is super empowering and helpful but also, lots of people are living with all kinds of internalized effects of empire - diminished self worth, imposter syndrome, sheer exhaustion, futility and despair, simply uninterested in technology - these people might not ever see themselves as capable or
[mike579]worthy of building their own website. So it feels like creating a vibe where a social platform that honors indieweb principles is still 'part of' is helpful.
[Murray]Yep, which is exactly why things like and (I'd argue) exist. Multiple onboarding ramps, lots of different ways to connect. Plurality etc. etc π
Loqi[preview] [Tantek Γelik] π Eight years ago today, the #IndieWeb Webmention protocol was published as a W3C REC
As a social web building block, #Webmention was designed to work with various other building blocks. Small pieces, loosely joi...
scattershot, tyranicd, scattershot1, GuestZero_, [aciccarello], bterry, cdravcte, aelaraji2 and klymilark joined the channel