#indieweb 2025-01-14

2025-01-14 UTC
rupertsworld joined the channel
Hello Im building my site with astro and vercel and im failing the rel=me and the h-card tests. Do you know what it might be?
rupertsworld, bterry, klymilark and glacier joined the channel
big_giogurt[d]: Hi Giogurt. I'm not familiar with Astro or Vercel unfortunately, but technical questions usually go in #indieweb-dev.
[KevinMarks]: I admit I'm confused by this initiative. What am I missing here? Is this something other than reinventing the wheel?
Oh thanks Coyote!
ren, rupertsworld and rvalue joined the channel
The point of atproto is that it splits the hosting of messages from the sharing of them with a search engine like crawler model they call relay and appview. Making another one of those is a decent sized engineering effort, but it's what you need to be independent from bsky in.
This is a fundraiser for building one of these. Arguably it could be better if, say, wikimedia or the Internet Archive built one, but this is a plausible approach
[Joe_Crawford] joined the channel
So this would be about participating in the parts of ATProtocol data hosting that are more expensive (as outlined by Lemmer-Webber)? https://dustycloud.org/blog/how-decentralized-is-bluesky/
klymilark, hidjy[d], aaronpk, sebbu, teasea, rossabaker, stefen, jonnybarnes, petermolnar, jgee, oakridge and ghostwolf joined the channel; scattershot1 left the channel
marginally more expensive, $150/mo baseline for a relay or appview vs say $5-10/mo baseline for a PDS
and they did use the word "build," but I hope they start with just running solid, full-network instances of the reference relay and appview implementations, instead of (or at least before) actually building their own
right now diversity of instances will add much more immediate value to the ATProto ecosystem than diversity of implementations
friendly reminder [snarfed], can you move the tech talk (PDS, ATProto) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
sigh yeah
I was trying
grufwub and saulosilva joined the channel
I blame [KevinMarks] 😆
cdravcte and cedric joined the channel
[snarfed] done! ^
jeremy, jgee4, rvalue-, alesr, saulosilva and strugee_ joined the channel
big_giogurt[d]: Does littlelink.io help
[pfefferle], corlaez, gRegor, antranigv, nemonical, ttybitnik, cedric_, klymilark, [Jo], Guest6, [pfefferle]1, [Murray]1, [tantek]3, [Joe_Crawford]1, [mike579]1, IWSlackGateway1, [aciccarello]1, cdravcte, jmjl, rvalue, GuestZero_, aelaraji6, srazkvt, [aciccarello], saulosilva, GuestZero, paotsaq, aldur42, sebbu2, gRegorLove_ and ren joined the channel; cdravcte left the channel