#indieweb 2025-01-16

2025-01-16 UTC
ttybitnik, klymilark and jgee4 joined the channel
Regarding the acknowledgements idea, I discovered a new term: postface, which has roughly the same function as a preface but comes after instead of before. Hence post, not pre. Who knew?
But the term is unusable in a web context, since it would be confused with the term post.
In fact, I'd probably avoid any compound word or portmanteau containing "post", with the exception of "postscript", as a heading for any section of a page that comes after the content.
Is there anything like an IndieBookClub for activity tracking? I'm thinking of something that less about metrics and more like a journal. I thought it would be interesting to record more qualitative impressions of workouts and such. If no such thing exists, it'd be a good learning opportunity for me to write something.
I have only the vaguest idea of what I hope to get out of this. :)
like an IndieWeb version of Strava?
Something along those lines, but with more emphasis on reflection and conversation. I've been wanting something like a Strava with a stronger sense of community than just a bunch of likes.
Though I suppose an IndieWeb version of Strava could lend itself toward that just by virtue of being part of the IndieWeb.
Maybe I'm mixing up the application and the community.
klymilark, grufwub and sp1ff joined the channel
oh no, i just realized all my links to foursquare.com in my checkin posts are going to die soon
do i need to scramble to create venue pages on my site finally??
strugee, cedric, milkii, jimw and AcesAndEights joined the channel
@gregsarjeant I'm also constantly thinking about how I can present my Reading better on my website
i currently use bookwyrm.social, which is kind of built with the community aspect in mind, being an activity pub thing, but I don't really want to make my own actititypub server just to track my books. there's gotta be something similar i can do in a simpler way
rvalue-, thegr8whoopdini[, eatyourglory, javivi, ludovicchabant and karjala joined the channel
aaronpk there are swarm web links for venues. You may be able to do a mass conversion
gRegor, gRegorLove_, cedric_, [KevinMarks], glacier and [Murray] joined the channel
doesn't go into a huge amount of detail on the steps, but does have some useful links and pullquotes about what services count/don't
(this is about the UK OSA, just to be clear)
doesnm, fabricsheet, nemonical, rvalue-, Guest6, seryndelle and klymilark joined the channel
@Jo bookwyrm.social looks interesting, thanks. That's the sort of thing I'm interested in, and maybe it is just a matter of something that supports ActivityPub and/or webmention (I admit I'm using these words without really understanding what they mean - that's one of my reading projects for the weekend). At a high level, something that encourages people to strike up a conversation rather than just
absorbing yesterday's average pace or watts or whatever.
I'm leaning towards trying to write something. Worst case, I'll learn some new things.
jgee45, snoreboar, xgpt, klymilark1, GuestZero_, klymilark, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and aelaraji9 joined the channel
Front End Study Hall #019 is starting soon! Join us! https://events.indieweb.org/WjRE1WdPjK1v
klymilark and btrem joined the channel
👋 Hey I'm Jason Shellen. I've spent a good chunk of my career dreaming up and building things that intersect with IndieWeb ideas. I participated in the creation of Atom while working on Blogger (before and after being acquired by Google). I founded the Google Reader project before leaving to start Brizzly (sold to AOL, but bought back in 2018). I've been a product exec at places like Pinterest and Slack. I have a few project
[edit] 👋 Hey I'm Jason Shellen. I've spent a good chunk of my career dreaming up and building things that intersect with IndieWeb ideas. I participated in the creation of Atom while working on Blogger (before and after being acquired by Google). I founded the Google Reader project before leaving to start Brizzly (sold to AOL, but bought back in 2018). I've been a product exec at places like Pinterest and Slack. I have a few
hey jasonshellen: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (ATOM), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
Welcome to the community, jasonshellen[d] 👋
We have the #microformats channel to talk about all things microformats! Many people here support microformats on their website (including me!).
I love the idea of Brizzly Zero 😄
I have been thinking a lot about building "calmer" web tools that work at a slow pace.
Thank you capjamesg[d]. I've been thinking about that too. I'm working on some real-time stream stuff but it's hard not to think, "what would help me achieve my goals?" and so things like background agents only bringing you things when the occur instead of instant gratification can be tough. Lotta chron jobs.
I run a feed reader that updates once per day 😄
Right on.
klymilark1 and klymilark joined the channel
welcome, jasonshellen! i was / am a big fan of Google Reader! a friend and I put together a "novel approach to information overload" using Processing and the Google Reader API in 2010 https://www.cibomahto.com/2010/04/a-novel-approach-to-managing-information-overload-in-syndicated-feed-readers/
klymilark joined the channel
(it's like space invaders except the invaders are RSS feed items. when you shoot them, all the words in the article explode out in a particle effect)
i should re-implement that as an indie reader 😄
gives Loqi a high-five
loves the high-five
heck yeah
That is amazing. I love it, schmarty.
I'm working now on an app called Tapedeck that currently is a feed/social catcher of links with group chat. Will share more as it gets closer to alpha.
sounds exciting! looking forward to checking it out.
There is an alpha sign-up behind the Getting Started link at https://tapedeck.com
[edit] There is an alpha sign-up behind the Getting Started link at https://tapedeck.com
jeremycherfas joined the channel
haha, well, you've got my submission :}
ooh, and i found the video demo for RSS Invaders 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptYMKpYMXzs
jasonshellen! long time no see, welcome! (this is Ryan Barrett)
this will obviously a receptive audience for Tapedeck, lots of reader users here, preaching to the choir
fyi your survey question about messaging says "check all that apply" but is a radio button
i am signing up now :D
🙃 Thank you aaronpk[d] - will fix.
👋 @snarfed
jasonshellen++ welcome! Great to see you here!!
jasonshellen has 1 karma over the last year
ttybitnik, khrome, klymilark, thegreekgeek, klymilark1, sebbu2 and [fluffy] joined the channel
artlung++ for hosting front end study hall. Which included a certain Eric Meyer! First time that I interacted with him.
artlung has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
grufwub, _justin_kelly9, gRegorLove_ and mondodaemon joined the channel
Hey folks, i am testing out a way in which webmentions is working properly in my website or not. could you please help by retweeting/mentioning this post, wanted to test it out: https://shreyasprakash.com/publish-originally-syndicate-elsewhere/
max1 joined the channel
How do you handle GDPR and webmentions? In General No User on social media is aware of that a profile Image with the link so a social Media account ist published in websites displaying webmentions?
Hi mondodaemon, have you tried the tests on https://webmention.rocks? #indieweb-dev might be a better place to follow up for more webmention questions/help.
max1 we have very few lawyers here, and even fewer GDPR lawyers, but in general when they've looked at webmentions, particularly between personal web sites like we mostly do here, they've generally found that they're exempt
Thanks for the link. Another option probably would be to anonymize webmentions before displaying them in a website
Some discussion and links to posts on the wiki too https://indieweb.org/GDPR
klymilark, bterry and ttybitnik joined the channel