osteophage[tantek]: Supporting comment culture online is one of my favorite things to talk about. I think there are a lot of things that factor into it, but for me at least, one of the things that makes comment sections feel more inviting is a big, spacious text area.
Guest73Hi everyone, I installed the ActivityPub plugin on my site and would mainly like to share single or multiple pictures from the site (either blog post or aspart of a page built with WP blocks) to mastodon and pixelfed. I'm wondering how this can be achieved for things that are not a single blog post, but e.g. a photo thats part of a page. Any leads appreciated
[tantek]Hi Guest73, if you mean the WordPress ActivityPub plugin then you may have more luck getting an answer in the #indieweb-wordpress channel. And welcome!
hacknorrisok. just a smol question. to post or not to post old af post which i didn't finished ages ago, now theoretically can but i started it on other pc and it contains screenshots so it'd be visible where i left it?
hacknorristemporarily here this page, post is the first on top in posts section and i didn't yet edited anything but surely screenshots'd differ… : http://hacknorris.myremotecentral.com/pages/ >_<