#indieweb 2025-01-25

2025-01-25 UTC
aren't webs supposed to catch bugs?
alfiee, _justin_kelly71, jetpack, dissolve22[d], DJ_[dj_je][d] and Bubblegumdrop joined the channel
[tantek]: Supporting comment culture online is one of my favorite things to talk about. I think there are a lot of things that factor into it, but for me at least, one of the things that makes comment sections feel more inviting is a big, spacious text area.
There's also certain communal/social norms that people have to choose to cultivate, but the right features can still play a supporting role in that respect. This is tangentially related to what I wrote about in a recent post: https://osteophage.neocities.org/writing/designing-for-the-guest-host-relationship
[edit] There's also certain communal/social norms that people have to choose to cultivate, but the right features can still play a supporting role in that respect. This is tangentially related to what I wrote about in a recent post: https://osteophage.neocities.org/writing/designing-for-the-guest-host-relationship
[tw2113] joined the channel
comments are great when they're human, and non toxic
alfiee, darylsun, _justin_kelly71, Kolev, aldur42, capjamesg, grufwub, claudinec, srushe, shreyasminocha, rob32, eb_, khrome, mebious, xtex, okCiel, wobbol, ramsey, mooff, rvalue, spew, ren, aelaraji2, jak2k, nemonical, [aciccarello], [Jo], alesr, ttybitnik, oakridge, jgee4, [qubyte], Guest73 and srazkvt joined the channel
Hi everyone, I installed the ActivityPub plugin on my site and would mainly like to share single or multiple pictures from the site (either blog post or aspart of a page built with WP blocks) to mastodon and pixelfed. I'm wondering how this can be achieved for things that are not a single blog post, but e.g. a photo thats part of a page. Any leads appreciated
alfiee joined the channel
Hi Guest73, if you mean the WordPress ActivityPub plugin then you may have more luck getting an answer in the #indieweb-wordpress channel. And welcome!
osteophage++ great post! Thanks for syndicating it to IndieNews
osteophage has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
alfiee joined the channel
Blog posting challenge by adactio via #indieweb-stream but definitely on topic for here: https://adactio.com/journal/21674
^ worth IndieNewsing IMO
[preview] [Jeremy Keith] Blog Questions Challenge
Er, Blog Questions Challenge
hacknorris joined the channel
someone here?
nobody here but us bots
[snarfed] joined the channel
ok. just a smol question. to post or not to post old af post which i didn't finished ages ago, now theoretically can but i started it on other pc and it contains screenshots so it'd be visible where i left it?
also - style of post differs from my site colors…
temporarily here this page, post is the first on top in posts section and i didn't yet edited anything but surely screenshots'd differ… : http://hacknorris.myremotecentral.com/pages/ >_<
dmowitz joined the channel
hacknorris: consider finishing the post as a first draft. if it's possible to replace the old screenshots later, do it if it bothers you?
alfiee, plantroon, khrome, bterry and pxplowsound joined the channel
Of note, the Blog Questions Challenge was started by https://blog.avas.space/bear-blog-challenge/.
[edit] Of note, the Blog Questions Challenge was started by https://blog.avas.space/bear-blog-challenge/.
Since then, dozens of people have responded, both in and outside of Bear Blog.
alfiee, klymilark, _justin_kelly71, khrome, jimw, rrix, pxplowsound_, plantroon, rupertsworld, sebbu2 and rvalue joined the channel
[KevinMarks] you post to Google Reviews right? Or is it you post reviews to Google Maps? Do you ever POSSE or PESOS these reviews?
Trying to figure out how to document this particular review destination
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
It's Google Local, but it appears as part of maps. I don't PESOS as the point is to give places findability on Google
They have a profile url, though it is a bit opaque
plantroon and _justin_kelly71 joined the channel
Back in my day at Google we were trying to unify profiles
alfiee, gRegor, _justin_kelly71, pxplowsound_, barnaby and bterry joined the channel