#[tantek]100%. Try asking a barista (not in SF lol) what is OSS and see if they answer or look at you like you're speaking a foreign language
plantroon joined the channel
#[tantek]We had a discussion at this week's HWC EU about how social media and even Mastodon encourage and reinforce shallow social interactions (quantity over quality, likes over thoughtful comments), and wondering how can we create for deeper more meaningful social interactions
#[tantek]Was any of that captured in the etherpad?
#[tantek]Curious how people are writing or designing their sites for more meaningful social interactions
tyil, plantroon, alfiee, jgee48 and Guest6_ joined the channel; cdb-bugman left the channel
#[Jo]I just yesterday added a mailto link in my posts with the post title in the subject, like you suggested a few days ago [tantek]!
#capjamesg[d][tantek] The only means of contacting me on my website are my email. This has led to many wonderful conversations.
plantroon, jak2k, jak2k1 and alfiee joined the channel
#[tantek]That is lovely to hear [Jo] capjamesg[d]!
#[tantek]I wonder if this is something we should consider documenting on its own page, specifically something like "email responses", or "email comments", with IndieWeb Examples (whether on post permalinks or home/contact pages encouraging email comments), Why, and "How to" best (known) publishing/CTA practices
#capjamesg[d]I sometimes end posts with an invitation to email me. I write it manually every time since it is only appropriate on some pages.
#[Jo]i think thatd be a good idea, since i know a lot of people prefer email and its a good alternative to public comment threads
#[tantek]That's also good to know! I appreciate that kind of post-specific thoughtfulness capjamesg[d]!
#[tantek][Jo]++ yes exactly! Alternative to public commentary which can be intimidating
#Loqi[Jo] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (28 in all channels)
jak2k, [qubyte], alfiee, snoreboar, rvalue-, wobbol, plantroon, ttybitnik, cedric, Guest6, nemonical, bossy, gregsarjeant, khrome, Halian and sorcix joined the channel
#sorcix[schmarty]: I'm getting "invalid_authorization_endpoint" error when trying to log in to indieweb webring using e-mail/indielogin. Is that a known issue, or am I doing something wrong?
#[schmarty]sorcix: i think when i was upgrading some dependencies i broke RelMeAuth. i believe webring login only works if your site explicitly lists an IndieAuth endpoint. my understanding is that, per the spec, the IndieAuth client PHP library expects to be able to verify that the auth/token issuer is listed on your site. but if we're relying on http://indielogin.com's relmeauth support then obviously there is no indieauth endpoint listed.
#sorcixOh, I thought IndieLogin.com would allow me to use it without having IndieAuth on my website.
#sorcixGuess I'll have to fix that then. :D Thanks!
Halian joined the channel
#sorcixLooks like I can log in using IndieLogin.com on indieweb.org, though.
barnaby, alfiee, bterry, teasea, [Joe_Crawford], ttybitnik, rrix, LainExperiments, _justin_kelly71, [Murray], sebbu2, jak2k, Halian|, xgpt, Guest95, jeremy, jetpack and plantroon joined the channel; Guest95 left the channel
#[schmarty]sorcix: yep, it's a bug in the webring. Unfortunately I don't have an ETA on it at this time!