#indieweb 2025-01-23
2025-01-23 UTC
aelaraji, alfiee, jgee42, Halian and pmlnr joined the channel
klymilark1, xgpt, khrome, alfiee, grufwub, bterry and Zamolxis_ joined the channel
alfiee joined the channel
klymilark joined the channel
alfiee and cedric joined the channel
thegreekgeek and alfiee joined the channel
geoffo joined the channel
alfiee joined the channel
aelaraji3 and alfiee joined the channel
[qubyte] joined the channel
alfiee and Nebraskka joined the channel
confusedalex, alfiee, ttybitnik, aldur42, rvalue, GuestZero, thegreekgeek_, Guest6 and cedric joined the channel
asarandi joined the channel
alfiee, thegreekgeek and tyil joined the channel
alephalpha0, nemonical, jsalvia, klymilark and alfiee joined the channel
jsalvia, thegreekgeek, aelaraji, gregsarjeant, GuestZero, GWG, strugee_ and Xe joined the channel
thegreekgeek_, MrMan, alfiee, rvalue, wobbol, GuestZero_, khrome, srazkvt and bterry joined the channel
ttybitnik, barnaby, plantroon, khrome, alfiee, klymilark, wzns, CDROMs15 and CDROMs15_ joined the channel; Menchers left the channel
bterry, plantroon, [Alexandra_Samu], alfiee and sebbu2 joined the channel
LainExperiments joined the channel
alfiee, bterry, immibis, max1, ttybitnik, gRegor, khrome, spew, plantroon, Halian and [snarfed] joined the channel