kimberlyhirshThanks, carrvo. I have spent a lot of time on that Getting Started page for many years now and struggle to find this middle ground I'm looking for. Thanks for the mention of 11ty.
plantroon, _justin_kelly71, alfiee, jumper and Halian joined the channel
xgptcapjamesg[d] , is ava on this channel? I'm curious how she got that pixelated photo. Must have been some kind of filter but it looks sick. sort of like what would come out of an OG macintosh
alfiee, bterry and _justin_kelly71 joined the channel
Halian, alfiee, _justin_kelly71, khrome, grufwub, gRegor, klymilark, aelaraji, gregsarjeant, XHunterMirai, XHunterM1rai, XHunterM2rai, strugee_, [aciccarello], tavare and [morganm] joined the channel; zorz left the channel
btremkimberlyhirsh 11ty has at least a few users that are regulars in various indieweb chat channels. So if you decide to try it out, you can use #dev to ask questions.
btremHow does one determine if a post belongs in IndieNews? I'm trying to decide if I should post a link here (or probably #dev since it's tech-y), or maybe IndieNews, though I don't really know what that's about. I am about to read the wiki article to see what I can learn....
LoqiAnything directly related to people with their own websites, such as technologies and services used, design and UX, formats and protocols, as well as events or podcasts with IndieWeb talks or content are relevant to the IndieWeb wiki