carrvodoesnm++ I will look at my logs for more info (and move the conversation to #indieweb-dev ) but it is really awesome to hear it works with!
Lars-ChristianIt's very simple, really. I log my reading in my spreadsheet. So my SSG now has a module to update the "reading log" page based on that spreadsheet.
cambridgeport90that sounds very interesting; there is such an appeal for static site generators these days,that I still can't find in my own environment; then again,I have always been a sucker for complexity for some reason.
Lars-ChristianYeah I just learned about them over the past couple of years. Swtiched my site over to a custom made thing after decades of running sites on a traditional lamp-stack.
Loqifriendly reminder cambridgeport90, Lars-Christian, we try to keep jargon (static site generators, LAMP) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
Lars-ChristianMy old Wordpress site had a reading log, too. But updating it was kind of a drag. I had to do it in Wordpress. Now I just update my spreadsheet log as I always did, and it updates on my site as well. Cool!
cambridgeport90I'm also sort of anti-spreadsheet I think because I'm so used to their being an application for everything nowadays. I'm also still a windows Server user in a lot of places, so.
cambridgeport90, erdem, alfiee, jonnybarnes9, claudinec and emigre joined the channel