#indieweb 2025-02-01

2025-02-01 UTC
gRegor, alfiee, wobbol and tavare joined the channel
The WordPress instance should support introspection...
I only tested it manually..no actual implementation supported it when I built it
alfiee, aldur42, grufwub, mdemo2 and ZOMGUgoff joined the channel
carrvo: i'm received "invalid code provided". It may be fault on my side, but i'm tested this script on indieweb.org
huh, with indielogin.com it working...
alfiee, mathilde, gRegor, strategictravele, alpal, ttybitnik, jak2k, plantroon, rvalue-, [marksuth] and nemonical joined the channel
IndieWeb Movie Club for is up https://marksuth.dev/posts/2025/02/indieweb-movie-club-feb-2025-romeo-juliet , as it's february the film is any version Romeo & Juliet
user23 and alfiee joined the channel
doesnm++ I will look at my logs for more info (and move the conversation to #indieweb-dev ) but it is really awesome to hear it works with IndieLogin.com!
doesnm has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
i'm currently trying dobrado on doesnm.cc. IndieAuth not working on IndieLogin :(
Oh 😦
Do you want to try the anonymous, read the article, then loop back once I check my logs?
i'm was tried this morning
ttybitnik and alfiee joined the channel
POSSE targets are in the eye of the beholder
alfiee and GuestZero joined the channel
snarfed++ I'll hit you up on #indieweb-dev because my system found something! I'd like to know more about what happened.
snarfed has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (82 in all channels)
alfiee, khrome, [Sophia_wood], nemonical, xgpt and plantroon joined the channel
Justin Searls has an impressive array of posse tools.
POSSE Pulse | justin․searls․co https://justin.searls.co/posse/
If I was more comfortable with ruby I might try setting up some of them up
Particularly for Instagram
rrix and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
whoopedoo finally got my reading log back on my site ^_^
Spent waay too much time working on that instead of reading this last week
Nice. How'd you get that working? Did you blog about it? If so, link, please.
Haven't blogged about it yet. But I will! Just pushed out the new section just now.
It's very simple, really. I log my reading in my spreadsheet. So my SSG now has a module to update the "reading log" page based on that spreadsheet.
alfiee joined the channel
that sounds very interesting; there is such an appeal for static site generators these days,that I still can't find in my own environment; then again,I have always been a sucker for complexity for some reason.
Yeah I just learned about them over the past couple of years. Swtiched my site over to a custom made thing after decades of running sites on a traditional lamp-stack.
friendly reminder cambridgeport90, Lars-Christian, we try to keep jargon (static site generators, LAMP) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
It had never even occurred to me to all the possibilities local processing affords!
My old Wordpress site had a reading log, too. But updating it was kind of a drag. I had to do it in Wordpress. Now I just update my spreadsheet log as I always did, and it updates on my site as well. Cool!
Next mission: Make a section that replaces Strava
(my Strava account, not Strava for everyone!)
sebbu2, alfiee, GuestZero, frenzcan, gRegor and aelaraji joined the channel
I'm also sort of anti-spreadsheet I think because I'm so used to their being an application for everything nowadays. I'm also still a windows Server user in a lot of places, so.
cambridgeport90, erdem, alfiee, jonnybarnes9, claudinec and emigre joined the channel