Loqi[preview] [Philipp] @artlung oh nice! thanks for sharing the link. 😍
@cdevroe already found out it was Manuel Moreale https://manuelmoreale.com/i-ll-read-it
And by the way: That friend I talked about just started his personal website and I already love it: https:...
btremios has a new(ish?) security feature for imessage. There are verification codes. Does anyone here use them? I looked through my phone, and none of my contacts have it turned on (including, FWIW, a tech worker who has worked on password security software).
btremThere's a public verification code that one can publish, Seems to resemble public keys in e.g. encryption. I could put it on my home page, or somewhere on my site. But I wonder if there's any take up in the general public.
btrem<carrvo> SMS (i.e. simple texting) has no security. imessage is apparently end-to-end encrypted, but I suppose since most people imessage (and text) via a phone number, still not very secure.
btremI don't know much about it, but I suppose a thief/scam artist might get a new sim card registered with my phone number, and then impersonate me. But they presumably can't log into my apple account, and therefore can't provide a verification code.
btremIt would require banks, credit card companies, et. al. to adopt it, though, for it to be really useful. And I can't imagine banks doing any such thing.
aaronpkwell as soon as i update the one device on my account that's running too old macos, I will set up contact key verification and add the public number to my website :)
btremYes, looks the same. I only have one device signed in to imessage, my iphone. I could add it to my site now. But I wonder if there's been any adoption. As I said earlier, no one in my contacts appears to have turned it on. :-/
btremgRegor: what is your Signal username? I could maybe publish that. Apple accounts can have email addresses added to it. So I just added an email that will be dedicated to imessage. I'm going to have someone test it for me, and if it works ok, I might publish that to my site, along with the verification code.
[snarfed]if you know someone's web site, and it serves over HTTPS, you can trust it as a way to get their verification code outside of the messaging app itself, which is what you need
gRegorPersonally I'm not concerned. I think it's a (reasonable) warning that "hey, anyone with signal can send you a message request with this", which could be undesired.