2025-02-27 UTC
alfiee joined the channel
aciccarello joined the channel
belka joined the channel
# 00:39 belka aciccarello: how are you?
# 00:39 belka great to join you here on IRC :)
# 00:40 belka Only a blog at the moment that I hosted on bearblog.dev
# 00:40 belka I joined here to understand if blogs can be part of the indie web and how can I make my website comply with it
# 00:41 aciccarello They definitely can be! My site started as a blog. Any kind of personal website can be part of the indieweb.
# 00:42 belka Thanks!! Took me a while to get it right
# 00:42 belka Not the greatest accessibility and readability but I really enjoy CRT monitor looks and glitchy effects
# 00:43 aciccarello There are lots of different indieweb features people add to their site. What are you most interested in?
# 00:45 belka I was looking to join a webring and meet people interested in web development, I am not a web as I work in cyber so I am eager to learn new tricks to make my corner on the internet cooler :)
# 00:50 belka Nice website! What's your Chess.com rating, btw?
# 00:52 aciccarello Haha, I don't play chess that often. I don't even know where to find my rating.
# 00:54 belka Well, mine is 192 so yeah I bet you are no newcomer to the game :P
alfiee joined the channel
newbster, GWG, alfiee, grufwub, petermolnar, Nonsvch, Boiler, oodani, [Jo], [morganm], IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], zacharykai, zacharykai88, zacharykai87, vskate, earlps, [KevinMarks], balintm, nemonical, [artlung], Guest6, ttybitnik, [pfefferle], [Ana_R], [qubyte], axcelott, GuestZero, PsychoticBudgie, [schmarty], aelaraji1, [tantek], distopico, rvalue, dhrjarun, dhrjarun31, sp1ff, gRegor, bterry, aelaraji, gRegorLove_, Zegnat, [snarfed], Xander, Nullity and [benji] joined the channel
bterry, sebbu2, alfiee and sp1ff joined the channel