#indieweb 2025-02-28

2025-02-28 UTC
alfiee, parnikkapore_x, troojg, GuestZero_, CRISPR, Nic, grufwub, GWG and DrWalt joined the channel
alfiee, gRegor and geoffo joined the channel
https://bellingham.netlify.app/ Hello DrWalt. I came here to share this personal website I made, not yet on its own domain, maybe will add to a subdomain
alfiee joined the channel
Hi, I am Narada from a suburb near Vancouver, BC, Canada. I already have a website (www.narada.ca). But I haven't updated it and have used it at its full potential yet.
Back in the late-2000's, I used to run a few blogs by myself and with some friends/strangers in my mother language, Sinhala. I hope to go back to my roots and the internet I loved through my personal site and communities. At least to some extent! 🙂
But thanks to some unexpected series of events in my life, I am finally pushing myself to make my ideas and dreams come true. It will also help with my advocacy efforts, to strengthen my skills, and reduce social media use.
Hi Narada! Welcome to the IndieWeb chat.
alfiee and [aciccarello] joined the channel
seekr, doesnm, PsychoticBudgie, alfiee and GuestZero joined the channel
Welcome to the community, naradat[d] 👋
I like the design of your website!
SylvatiCodes, rvalue, alfiee, rvalue-, [jeremycherfas], Guest6, dustinm`, gRegor, ttybitnik and aelaraji joined the channel
What @capjamesg[d] said @naradat[d] — and welcome!
alfiee joined the channel
Olá meninos e meninas, eu sou Wagner, do Brasil. Designer tentando mergulhar mais no universo indieweb! My issue its about code 🥲! Thanks for space.
[edit] Hey boys and girls, I'm Wagner, from Brazil. Designer trying to immerse more inside indieweb universe! My issue its about code 🥲! Thanks for space.
welcome wagner, there's lots of people here who can probably help with that! if you have questions about code you can ask or share in #indieweb-dev
I have added a few new features to my web reader this week: https://jamesg.blog/2025/02/28/artemis-changelog-3
[edit] I have added a few new features to my web reader this week: https://jamesg.blog/2025/02/28/artemis-changelog-3
ttybitnik, nemonical, alfiee, [Murray], bterry, aelaraji, aelaraji8 and srazkvt joined the channel
This is an interesting quirk of sharing URLs in QR codes https://hackaday.com/2025/02/26/shout-for-smaller-qr-codes/
My website redirects uppercase urls (including paths) but uppercasing everything still feels wrong
But I did confirm this works
My big gripe with QR codes is how big the actual images libraries which generate them produce. I once went down a hand-coded bit-depth-1 and 1 pixel per module PNG rabbit hole for that reason. It was a lot of fun!
alfiee joined the channel
geoffo, alfiee, balintm, jgee032 and doesnm joined the channel
URL shorteners often consider uppercase and lowercase to be different (26 more possibilities for each character). I doubt the savings of QR code encoding size would justify case-insensitive short URLs.
but domain names are case insensitive so could be useful if you are linking to your homepage
From what I can tell, if a single letter (i.e. the path portion) is lowercase, then you get no size savings from uppercase
[schmarty] joined the channel
own url shortener
I'm still toying with creating my own URL shortener
Still not happy with my short domain name so I want to figure that out first
i'd like to do a personal url shortener :3
My requirements for a short domain are that it's short, inexpensive, relevant to me, and easy enough to say verbally
i think the shortest domain i have is saige.ink >.<
aciccarello, yeah, unambiguously speakable, listenable, readable, typable
savagebananasoup.com is my blog, but it's only tiny at the moment. using emacs org-mode and exporting to html. a lot to learn!
alfiee joined the channel
SylvatiCodes has 1 karma over the last year
Nice work!
I use http://qc.wtf for my short links. When my regular site builds it templates a separate netlify redirects file, hosts that, and then triggers a build of my short link site that curls and consumes the redirects file. Works a treat!
wtf addresses were (are still?) cheap. I can’t imagine why 🤔
that's a very nice short domain
what is wtf
wtf is a top level domain that costs about 40€/year to register https://indieweb.org/.wtf
^ qubyte add yourself to a new IndieWeb Examples section there?
40$ is cheap?
i'm paid 10$ for my domain. 2$ to register
doesnm, feel free to add yourself to the appropriate page's IndieWeb Examples listing the short domain you use!
my domain are short?
short domains was the context of the conversation about costs, is that not what you meant about $10 ?
i mean about cheapest domains. Think cc zone also can be used for short domains
alfiee and nemonical joined the channel
my full name is Bálint Magyar and i snagged bm.gy for my "shortener" :3 it's so cute
"shortener" because it's literally just a .htaccess file i generate
I’ll add to the examples when I’m at my machine 👍
alfiee and plantroon joined the channel
ttybitnik joined the channel
i'm trying to add mine to the short-domains article now, but i can't seem to figure out how to link my page properly. i'm doing {{chatname}} seemingly like others, but the preview shows it as Template:chatname…?
what is a sparkline?
A sparkline is a small, simple, data-dense graphic with typographic resolution that is shown inline and in-context with relevant text https://indieweb.org/sparkline
what is wikify?
wikifying is the practice of capturing information and ideas on the wiki https://indieweb.org/wikify
gRegor what was the page called for making personal templates?
hey balintm, [tantek], it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (template, templates), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
i have a User: page with the lil box that also has my chatname, and i listed myself on the chat-names page...but i'm probably still missing something
yes a sparkline template
probably better chat for #indieweb-meta
ohh ok i think i found the section on the wikifying page that explains, ty
[manton], gRegor, alfiee, ttybitnik, Toxicogenic, plantroon and sebbu joined the channel