osteophageWould anyone on here happen to know the origin of the term "walled garden"? Someone on 32-Bit Cafe was asking the other day. Wikipedia's entry on closed platform provides some examples but not an origin point.
kimberlyhirshHi IndieWeb! Is there a good micropub client that will let you write in Markdown? I'm looking to include links in notes without having to type out the full HTML.
[artlung]It looks like the Oxford English Dictionary has a great entry, but it is (irony!) walled off. I tried to use my San Diego Public Library account but (argghhh) it errors out. https://www.oed.com/dictionary/walled-garden_n - but the term is 400-ish years old. I think I recall people talking about AOL and before that CompuServe in the 1990s though. Pre-internet even.
[artlung]But a journal search for "walled garden" and "aol" or "compuserve" maybe even "eworld" and "The Well" ought to find you digital examples at some point. What year? That I don't know.
[artlung]And kimberlyhirsh, I don't know enough of micropub clients to comment sorry! I think this channel is fine for it but asking in the dev channel might also be worthwhile.
[aciccarello]kimberlyhirsh, I don't know of any clients with their own markdown support, but I will often write raw markdown into a client since my server will render it.
capjamesg[d]"Sixty percent of respondents view the state of social media negatively, expressing it feels like a place of never-ending product placements and makes them feel like a number in a giant algorithmic machine."
[Murray]sure, but people don't make decisions in a vacuum. I want less algorithm-dependent content, but I also want to see what my friends are up to, hear the news that I'm interested in, and find cool stuff that aligns with my interests. so I might be willing to deal with algorithmic timelines, if it delivers on the other areas
[artlung]The world is a mess. I invite you to carve out a couple hours to watch “What’s Up Doc?” this month. It’ll be fun. Once you do, post about it! https://artlung.com/whatsupdoc-imc/