#indieweb 2025-03-01

2025-03-01 UTC
alfiee, gRegor, gRegorLove_, GWG, GuestZero_, chimo, grufwub, tavare, aldur, [manton]1, [schmarty]1, [Murray], Toxicogenic, ren, avroragvrl, wikidasher, mdemo2 and Maxpm joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Self-Expression - IndieWeb Carnival March 2025" https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/self-expression-indieweb-carnival-march-2025
alfiee, jonnybarnes and foo1 joined the channel
alfiee, ttybitnik and Guest6 joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "“What’s Up Doc?” IndieWeb Movie Club" https://artlung.com/whatsupdoc-imc/
alfiee, rvalue, sandra, srazkvt, balintm, aelaraji9 and chimo_ joined the channel
Would anyone on here happen to know the origin of the term "walled garden"? Someone on 32-Bit Cafe was asking the other day. Wikipedia's entry on closed platform provides some examples but not an origin point.
Hi IndieWeb! Is there a good micropub client that will let you write in Markdown? I'm looking to include links in notes without having to type out the full HTML.
It looks like the Oxford English Dictionary has a great entry, but it is (irony!) walled off. I tried to use my San Diego Public Library account but (argghhh) it errors out. https://www.oed.com/dictionary/walled-garden_n - but the term is 400-ish years old. I think I recall people talking about AOL and before that CompuServe in the 1990s though. Pre-internet even.
Oh wow. From the 1600s?!
alfiee joined the channel
But a journal search for "walled garden" and "aol" or "compuserve" maybe even "eworld" and "The Well" ought to find you digital examples at some point. What year? That I don't know.
And kimberlyhirsh, I don't know enough of micropub clients to comment sorry! I think this channel is fine for it but asking in the dev channel might also be worthwhile.
alfiee, CRISPR and sebbu2 joined the channel
[artlung] Is that 16th century entry you found metaphorical?
Bexcause of course there were plenty of actual walled gardens at that time.
kimberlyhirsh, I don't know of any clients with their own markdown support, but I will often write raw markdown into a client since my server will render it.
alfiee joined the channel
AOL is the first metaphorical example of walled garden that I remember
"Sixty percent of respondents view the state of social media negatively, expressing it feels like a place of never-ending product placements and makes them feel like a number in a giant algorithmic machine."
i remember the 2010-2012 wave of talking about how facebook is taking AOL's place as the new walled garden
44% of respondents said they want "more-human, less algorithm-dependent content"
alfiee, ttybitnik and [Murray] joined the channel
a lot of people say they want a lot of things but when they are actually given the choice, make the opposite choice
jgee036, alfiee and balintm joined the channel
sure, but people don't make decisions in a vacuum. I want less algorithm-dependent content, but I also want to see what my friends are up to, hear the news that I'm interested in, and find cool stuff that aligns with my interests. so I might be willing to deal with algorithmic timelines, if it delivers on the other areas
priorities shift around a lot
and communities are often the _primary_ driving force of decision making
alfiee and hacknorris joined the channel
is it good to DELETE a blog?
rrix joined the channel
so i won't know how good idea is to remove this crap…
What is delete your account
delete your account is an encouragement to delete your (silo) account, e.g https://indieweb.org/delete_your_account
Maybe some related thoughts there ^
not this. delete website. html files
it's crap anyway…
right now only 80% done by human…
if not less…
CRISPR joined the channel
so should i delete this zombie?
plantroon, alfiee and [tw2113] joined the channel
if it has no value to you...
no, like, i feel it have no value for others…
(if anything generated have a value lol)
plantroon joined the channel
The world is a mess. I invite you to carve out a couple hours to watch “What’s Up Doc?” this month. It’ll be fun. Once you do, post about it! https://artlung.com/whatsupdoc-imc/
[preview] [Joe Crawford] “What’s Up Doc?” IndieWeb Movie Club
[artlung] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
I am excited to re-watch the movie!
Always a cure for what ails me. :) Thanks James!
alfiee, plantroon, sebbu2 and rossabaker joined the channel