#indieweb 2025-03-02
2025-03-02 UTC
plantroon, alfiee, GWG, barnaby, infinitetape_, GuestZero, CRISPR, grufwub, ren and Jasperad joined the channel
jasperad0501 hello, indieweb!! i am jasper and i’m fairly new to coding, only having some experience with html and css! i discovered this through some searching and curiosity while making my own personal site! ^^
alfiee joined the channel
jasperad0501 i don’t really own any domains or anything like that, but i used to have a neocities site and now own a glitch site!
osteophage Hi Jasper! What's your website?
CRISPR joined the channel
jasperad0501 i’m gonna share it once i fix some issues with the music player on it!
osteophage Oh, neat. Lately I've been thinking about making some pages with Bandcamp embeds on them.
_123nick[d] joined the channel
jasperad0501 osteophage[d]: ooo, that’s awesome!
jasperad0501 yeah, the mp3 files on my website stopped working for some reason
jasperad0501 [edit] the mp3 files on my website stopped working for some reason
osteophage Does Glitch do audio hosting? Or are they hosted somewhere else?
osteophage My own site is on Neocities, which if I recall correctly doesn't accept mp3s at the free tier, which is a problem I ran into when creating my Haunted Woods page.
_123nick[d] joined the channel
jasperad0501 osteophage[d]: it’s hosted elsewhere!
jasperad0501 figured out the issue, the host links broke so i used a different host
osteophage Aha. A classic culprit.
jasperad0501 alrighty!
jasperad0501 https://jasperad.glitch.me
jasperad0501 [edit] https://jasperad.glitch.me
jasperad0501 I’m willing to accept critique!
jasperad0501 [edit] i’m willing to accept critique!
osteophage Oh man, Flyleaf. That's a blast from the past.
jasperad0501 i love flyleaf! i thought i’d do a digital cd collection because i got bored and wanted to make my site unique
osteophage Just so you know, if you make your links page into a bookmarks page, you can get listed at Bukmark Club: https://bukmark.club/
osteophage [edit] Just so you know, if you make your links page into a bookmarks page, you can get listed at Bukmark Club: https://bukmark.club/
jasperad0501 i was just looking at that, funnily enough!
semii2179 jasper[d]: i love the cd collection and it looks good on mobile
jasperad0501 semii2179[d]: THANK YOU
jasperad0501 it took me 2 hours lol
semii2179 jasper[d]: that a good turn around time
spew left the channel
jasperad0501 semii2179[d]: yeah!! it’s honestly my proudest thing from the website!!
alfiee, CRISPR, bterry, Toxicogenic, plantroon, yar and hacknorris joined the channel
hacknorris i still don't know if ii should continue with a zombie site or delete that…
zacharykai, rvalue-, alfiee, nemonical, plantroon, ttybitnik, srazkvt, aelaraji6, CRISPR, [jeremycherfas], bterry, Toxicogenic and troojg joined the channel
Loqi 🧟♀️🧟♂️ A zombie in the context of the web is a website that has died or been lost, perhaps due to domain registration neglect, and has been brought back online in a form resembling what it look like before, yet oddly broken, often with spam pages/links added, and sometimes eats a lot of CPU likely due to abusive scripts https://indieweb.org/zombie

[tantek] FYI for folks that use Google / Gmail based email / logins for things like GitHub etc which may impact using your domain for web sign-in etc: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2025/03/02/google-will-delete-my-gmail-and-photos-on-april-3-how-to-save-yours/

hacknorris [tantek] not exactly but i feel like it's just quite dead website, last post fully finished is from last year and for worse recently i try to add some things to it while using gen*i tools…
hacknorris so like… idk if should keep it…
hacknorris yup
hacknorris (actually ai is the main reason of thinking about deleting my site)
hacknorris right now i doubt it's mine as i started using *i…
hacknorris but like how else in these times i could manage a static site in a place without backend? when i need to make html files manually and statically? right now everything is an iframe at me. like 30 files minimum + projects and games sections where are htmls too…
hacknorris i'm bad at coding too. i barely passed tests at uni from cpp…
hacknorris (cpp and js is quite similar tbh…)
hacknorris repetitive code to not use JS where not everybody enables JS…
hacknorris sometimes in optional scripted parts in js too - specially variables as i tend to make many of then
thegreekgeek joined the channel
hacknorris too much code generally
hacknorris and i wouldn't bother other human to do such things for free for me (no money problem)…
hacknorris additionally - vscode fits me as in kate/vim/ etc…i'd need to install LSPs and in vscode i already have it…'
alfiee joined the channel
hacknorris and i just wanted to know if i should delete a site after i abandoned it and crappified…
hacknorris :/
jasperad0501 what is a microformat
Loqi microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up notes, people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumés, recipes etc https://indieweb.org/microformat

jasperad0501 THANK YOU
hacknorris cause whoever'd care about a generated crap???
hacknorris like either g**gle crap ( .blogspot ) or l*m locally but others won't get google
barnaby, alfiee, plantroon, ttybitnik and geoffo joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Does anyone follow any RSS feeds that post daily updates (like the Wikipedia article of the day, NASA photo of the day, Blog of the day)?

capjamesg[d] If so, I would love to know the feed! I'm building a feature for my web reader and would love to see more examples of feeds like this.

capjamesg[d] Of note, authors that post daily are not related. I'm more focused on automated daily feeds / daily updates (i.e. daily newsletters with web feeds).

hacknorris wikipedia only… + my crapyy "blog"
jasperad0501 i really need to learn how to make an rss feed for my 11ty blog lol
troojg joined the channel
hacknorris it's offtopic channel??
capjamesg[d] jasper[d] I'll share some guidance!

jasperad0501 thank you!
Loqi 💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/Discuss

capjamesg[d] In other news, I enjoyed reading https://werd.io/2025/the-web-was-always-about-redistribution-of-power-lets-bring today!

jasperad0501 that’s an interesting read
plantroon joined the channel
Toxicogenic i didn't realize this was bridged with a discord channel, i thought this was irc only tbh
Toxicogenic not as of yet lol, it's something i have on the backburner rn
jasperad0501 welcome!!
Toxicogenic but i have been interested in the indie web for a few years, so it's something i will do eventually
plantroon joined the channel
Loqi 🎉 Get started on the indieweb by connecting with the IndieWeb community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other IndieWeb essentials https://indieweb.org/Get_Started

alfiee joined the channel
Toxicogenic thanks!
immibis, geoffo and [tw2113] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] Welcome to the community!

alfiee, jgee03, plantroon, balintm and sebbu2 joined the channel
gregsarjeant Submitted my piece for the March IndieWeb Carnival on Self-Expression! https://subcultureofone.org/2025/03/02/another-time/

gregsarjeant Plenty of March left for submissions. https://lifeofpablo.com/blog/self-expression-indieweb-carnival-march-2025

plantroon joined the channel