#indieweb 2025-03-03

2025-03-03 UTC
shreyasminocha, [0x3b0b], Lars-Christian, bleb, claudinec, jeremycherfas, doesnm, cptaffe, bloot, trwnh, mooff, Zamolxis, keehar, capjamesg[d], schmudde, Saphire, blodulv, hidjy[d], Prutser, aaronpk, stefen, Salt, Artea, raucao_, RapidRotator, bossy, jonnie, gebra, IWDiscord, snowolf, lockywolf, noderanger[d], lanodan, neatnik, Pixi, slow99, flowji, jetpack, teasea, Nebraskka, peterrother, dbohdan[phone], Daijo, confusedalex, jjuran, tyil, oakridge, oodani, dustinm`, rrix, jonnybarnes, mdemo2, aelaraji, chimo, rossabaker, immibis, bterry, grufwub, Toxicogenic, sebbu, sknebel, ttybitnik, sisoma_new[d], geoffo, Kaja, syl_, fcser, Xe, JadedBlueEyes, krjst, bret, petermolnar, wobbol, Nonsvch, [KevinMarks], aldur, [jeremycherfas], barnaby, lane, [tw2113], balintm, GWG, ren, parnikkapore_x, [tantek], sandra, wikidasher, Xander, voxpelli, alephalpha0, chenghiz_, dissolve22[d], anarchivist_, ben, potatoespotatoes, Bitweasil, karjala, nnrx, xgpt, emigre, raghavgururajan, sm2n, athenaeryma, Schnouki, oxtyped, darylsun, antranigv, okCiel, saptaks, Oclair, Bubblegumdrop, sivoais, helveticamono, sdk, ludovicchabant, benji, thegr8whoopdini[, javivi, eatyourglory, Virtual, rhiaro, IWSlackGateway, 080AA21X6, vikanezrimaya, mebious, hedy, mjgardner, xtex, suki, laker, rob32, srushe, BigShip, Ezri, omz13, schelcj, pax_73, njd, tetsuo-cpp, GuestZero, Soni, oenone, SylvatiCodes, khimaros, jmac, nsh, Elleo, joshproehl, cygnoir, hedy_, paotsaq, rvalue, _123nick[d], seekr, DJ_[dj_je][d], ehmry, distopico, ramsey, _pi_r2_0[d], marlun, plantroon, Zegnat, bugliker, Maxpm, Dryusdan_, mald0r0r, jmjl, runxiyu, moose333, asarandi, Tiffany, bchar, Jon, MyNetAz, capjamesg, paulgrmn, kyber, thegreekgeek, ancarda, eb, LeoDB, srijan, sebsel, Spur, phryk, gregsarjeant, jboy, alfiee and GuestZero_ joined the channel
Thank you for welcoming me, osteophage[d] Jo, capjamesg[d], and Lars, I was considering to change the design and theme of my website.
I am currently in process of catching up with some personal things and changing some things. I am also going to reduce my personal social media use on big tech companies, use more decentralized and open source stuff, and update on my own site(s). Then I hope to properly join IndieWeb too.
alfiee, grufwub and jgee037 joined the channel
ooo i like your website’s layout, it’s very neat
alfiee and [morganm] joined the channel
I updated my personal site with a new post https://www.morganwebdev.org/posts/wsg-o-matic/
tavare, alfiee, nightliife, jgee03, peterrother, GWG, bugliker, strugee_, [Murray], rvalue, ttybitnik and CRISPR joined the channel
I have made an RSS feed for the Oblique Strategies cards: https://jamesg.blog/oblique-strategies
alfiee joined the channel
naradat[d] If you have a personal website, you are on the indie web!
alfiee, wobbol, geoffo, ttybitni`, ttybitnik, aelaraji5, [schmarty], nemonical, user23, [artlung], [aciccarello], bterry1, btrem, Toxicogenic, plantroon, gRegor, LainExperiments, LainExperiments6, LainExperiments7, GWG, [tw2113]1, IWSlackGateway1, [lazcorp] and [Paul_Lieberman] joined the channel
Hello #indieweb . I've got the Drupal modules installed and I'm trying to setup authentication to use my website. If I try logging in at http://indielogin.com it redirects to my site just fine. I click Authorize and it goes back, but gives an error: "Missing or invalid parameters". Any ideas how to go about troubleshooting this? Thanks.
thegreekgeek joined the channel
[Paul_Lieberman] Welcome! That is a good question to ask in #indieweb-dev.
GWG, alfiee, balintm, jmjl, plantroon, jumper and btrem joined the channel
i like indieweb sites that have embeds in them and their own icons, it’s a nice attention to detail
CRISPR, plantroon, alfiee, LainExperiments and sebbu2 joined the channel