2025-03-15 UTC
[dshanske], sebbu2, alfiee, GWG, mateusrc and [aciccarello] joined the channel
# gRegor reminiscent of Geocities' neighborhoods, names like "Heartland" and then sequential numbers like house numbers
alfiee, oodani, grufwub and tavare joined the channel
thelounge268, alfiee, aldur, MyNetAz, hediste, Dryusdan, Dryusdan_, rvalue, jonnybarnes, barnaby, jgee0379, mateusrc, ttybitnik, ttybitni`, trwnh, jonnie, jgee0375, nemonical, GWG and merlins joined the channel
# Loqi osteophage[d] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
alfiee joined the channel
# [Sophia_wood] snarfed++
# Loqi snarfed has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
alfiee joined the channel
# arekenaten "avoid drug and phallic associations in design" is a little ethnocentric for my liking but otherwise the mushroom mascot is wonderfully apt
nemonical and alfiee joined the channel
sdk joined the channel
# Loqi capjamesg has 79 karma in this channel over the last year (216 in all channels)
ttybitnik and alfiee joined the channel
# arekenaten Cultural anthropology is a real fun time. Makes ya question why you think the things you do 😅
# arekenaten Especially if the person teaching you comes from a different pane of humanity than yours
alfiee, rrix, KeitaroNL, [artlung] and Kolev joined the channel
# Kolev Hi all. Should I document my server changes in one blog post or several?
alfiee joined the channel
# arekenaten Maybe try to split it up by topic? Confiugrauton for a specific purpose as a part of a series?
Guest49 and alfiee joined the channel