2025-03-16 UTC
sebbu2, Guest16, alfiee, phryk, grufwub and thelounge264 joined the channel
# 03:16 Xander IWDiscord: do you do button trades?
alfiee, rvalue-, tavare and nah joined the channel
# 04:34 Kolev Is the IWDiscord not smart enough to turn IWDiscord into arekenaten?
hediste joined the channel
# 04:47 [tantek] I see arekenaten from Slack so maybe it's an IRC client problem?
# 04:47 [tantek] though we can take it to #indieweb-meta to debug perhaps
# 04:49 Loqi [preview] [arekenaten] Maybe try to split it up by topic? Confiugrauton for a specific purpose as a part of a series?
alfiee joined the channel
alfiee joined the channel
alfiee, ttybitnik, MyNetAz and [jamietanna] joined the channel
# 11:48 Kolev What's Aperture?
# 11:48 Kolev What is Aperture ?
# 11:50 Kolev Should I self host Quill? Also I noticed p3k was down yesterday.
alfiee, jgee037, [schmarty] and jetpack joined the channel
# 12:56 [jamietanna] I know Aaron's said in the past he's happy with folks using the shared instances, but also would love more folks to self host (to distribute load but also so there's feedback on getting it installed etc)
alfiee, MyNetAz, rvalue, [Sophie_Young] and ttybitnik joined the channel
# 15:22 GWG I should update/fix my Quill instance
# 15:22 GWG [jamietanna]: By the way, nice to see you around.. haven't noticed you in a bit
shoesNsocks, alfiee, GuestZero, ttybitnik and bbbhltz joined the channel
# 17:39 bbbhltz Hi all. Just stopping by to say hi for the first time. How is everyone doing?
# 17:40 Kolev Pretty good. Just got WordPress set up and am looking to implement all the nice IndieWeb features.
# 17:41 Kolev GWG: Should Quill be self hosted?
# 17:44 GWG Not strictly necessary.. it sends the post to your site for storage.. it's just a writing tool
# 17:44 GWG I don't always like to rely on aaronpk. He does a lot for the community.
# 17:59 Loqi bbbhltz has 1 karma over the last year
alfiee joined the channel
# 18:38 doesnm GWG: also someone of his services do not work for me (like Quill, Monocle and tokens endpoint). Maybe locked on ISP side by ASN
alfiee joined the channel
# 18:55 Kolev I can't connect to the page to log in to the wiki.
# 19:19 Zegnat Kolev: which page does not load for you? sso.indieweb.org or indielogin.com or something else?
# 19:21 Zegnat Mmm, odd. No specific error, just not connecting? It works for me, and redirects me to indielogin.
# 19:22 [tantek] Maybe infra login problems -> #indieweb-meta ? Or protocol debugging to #indieweb-dev . Thanks!
nemonical, alfiee and btrem joined the channel
Pixi, alfiee and gRegor joined the channel
MyNetAz, cedric, alfiee, thelounge264 and Halian joined the channel