LoqiIndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indiewebcamp.com/indiewebcamp
unicyclic.com maledited /projects (+101) "/*Dobrado*/ Just noticed Github was mentioned here when it should refer to git, which also isn't really required (gitlab.com provide a download option which I've linked to)." (view diff)
Loqivoxpelli meant to say: Would perhaps be an idea to add a bot to #indiewebcamp that repeats the move message, it's already fairly high up in the logs
snarfedGWG: what's the wordpress convention for plugins to be aware of each other like this? directly like you had? or through one plugin's filter/hook? or...?
voxpellithat PHP memory issue is pretty tricky – to fully avoid it one needs to take available memory on server, subtract memory requirements from non-php processes, then divide by maximum needed memory needed by ones PHP script and set the server to never process more than that amount of PHP requests at the same time
voxpelliand with shared hosting the responsibility for doing the calculations is on the one building the one-size-fits-all hosting and they likely won't have taken your app into consideration
rMdesvoxpelli, that's only for drupal or wordpress (if on shared host) falls under the same issues (trying to find out what i can do for my shared-hosted WP sites)
gRegorLovevoxpelli: Thanks. Good information added to /PHP. I was thinking of summarizing instructions for how to handle those fatal errors more gracefully, like at least logging + not displaying the error message.
voxpelliI guess the same is true for any cgi:ish servers (but not really sure, but the fact that you load and run your entire framework into memory for each and every request is pretty crazy in a way)
voxpelliwas the thing I loved the most when I started moving from PHP to Node.js – that suddenly global data and code could be loaded once and shared between all requests
voxpellitantek: well, it's true for any similar such language/system like Go, Rust, C etc as well – don't know how Python and Ruby fit into it though, maybe they can run as both?
tantek.comedited /2016/homepage (+526) "deleting "too overwhelming" as that applied to before 7/4 homepage, been edited down a lot, drop To Do (no one else bothered), note have been working homepage simplification, analyze examples a bit" (view diff)
tantek!tell gRegorLove,KartikPrabhu I resolved the issue you added to https://indieweb.org/2016/homepage#Issues could you take a look? Also advocating using GH issues for new issues (link at that link). Thanks!
GWGsnarfed, my plan is that Micropub disable automatic post content generation if Post Kinds is enabled, but detecting the type of post and setting the fields for Post Kinds stay in that plugin.
voxpellimiklb: thinking about maybe squashing the history of the main micropub repo – lots of nonsense commits in there (even totally empty ones to trigger redeploys)
miklbvoxpelli yeah, do what you need to do to be able to make that repo public. My code is pushed to heroku, so until I needed to make a change it shouldn't be affected.
bearperfect forward secrecy is a concept in cryptography where the loss of long term keys (think certs) does not compromise the session keys derived from those long term keys