petermolnartantek: 'lightweight markup languages' could also be called 'a special hell'; I'm now summarizing what I'd like to see in one and it appears none has all the functions
Loqipetermolnar: tantek left you a message 4 hours, 47 minutes ago: re: accepting patches via webmention, see and add more thoughts to Brainstorming!
voxpellipetermolnar: I think that if you click the "minor edit" button when you edit then the edit won't show here, in case you want to avoid having eveyrhting show up here ;)
petermolnar!tell tantek I'm trying to write a regex, that could match /em/ text, but not URLs and would allow /em text with / inside/ and I'm failing, especially when a text contains relative urls; maybe this is the reason why em is represented by another char in most syntaxes?
ben_thatmustbemeyeah, probably. I just don't have time to work on it now. I was trying to keep mobilepub up to the latest micropub spec, so it could be some incompatibility in that. by the way, setting up your own copy of mobilepub is literally just tossing it on to anywhere that renders php and setting up one config file
GWGvoxpelli: It is...but Micropub for WordPress was pre-draft standard and does recognize the attempt to set an explicit type...otherwise it does implicit.
LoqiA reply (or comment) is a kind of post that is a text (typically, though photos are possible too) response to some other post, that makes little or no sense without reading or at least knowing the context of the source post
Loqi[Chris Aldrich] Sharing from the #IndieWeb on Mobile (Android) with Apps and @WithKnown
4 min read
I've been doing some work to find a better, easier, and cleaner way to share content, lik...
aaronpkthe core IRC process is in Ruby, and that's on my server. most of the functionality is in a small API also running on that server but written in PHP
Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 5 hours, 32 minutes ago: I'm trying to write a regex, that could match /em/ text, but not URLs and would allow /em text with / inside/ and I'm failing, especially when a text contains relative urls; maybe this is the reason why em is represented by another char in most syntaxes?
tantek(I thought for sure I had actually posted about explicitly using that syntax, but I can't find any explicit post about it, it's like I just started doing it, probably because I'd seen it somewhere)
tantekre: checkin, I think aaronpk has convinced me it is a different enough "thing" to deserve either its own property or perhaps even its own top level explicit object (e.g. like events have h-event, and interestingly, a checkin is very similar to an event)
GWGtantek: That was what I was proposing. The way my code is set up, an explicit type always overrides an implicit type, on the theory of intent of the user. But in ben's case, it isn't the type he intended.
aaronpkyeah it's blocking me for implementing checkins, but adding checkins is also a pretty significant amount of work so I can't jump right into it right now anyway