petermolnar!tell tantek plain-text sidenote: I've found a thing called Textile; there are some nice ideas, like superscript/subscript, insert/delete, but the rest is not helping readability at all.
Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 9 hours, 36 minutes ago: I don't have a wiki, but for a moment, I had a mad idea of accepting patches via webmention (with vouch only, of course) :D
Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 8 hours, 23 minutes ago: plain-text sidenote: I've found a thing called Textile; there are some nice ideas, like superscript/subscript, insert/delete, but the rest is not helping readability at all.
tantek.comedited /markdown (+503) "separate actual alternatives in use or being considered by indieweb folks, vs. others, link to WP for more" (view diff)