petermolnarI finally figured a way to get rid of the idiotic {filename}-{width}x{height}.{ext} naming convention of resized images in WordPress... one step closer to create a static generator of my own, probably backed with micropub
GWGSo, I figured I'd try to add in some of the feedback I got as part of the changes. The other part is setting up a way for Micropub to trigger it or any other arbitrary POSSE plugin.
petermolnarby the way, that statement of mine - fixing WP media management - turned out to be an iceberg and at the moment I hate WP media management ever more
tantekGWG, since it's open source, the right answer is to tell the guy, "Go for it! And demonstrate your rewrite using your own primary personal site!"
GWGpetermolnar: Yes, I've heard people comment that the fact that only one developer set up and committed most of that initiated a change in process that requires more peer review in future.
petermolnarturned out the admin is not using the same filters as the frontend... that is why I ended up looking at that code and ended up reverting my stuff
tantekGWG, it's a big reason we have selfdogfooding as a principle here, it is a very strong reinforcer of minimalism and a strong discourager of architecture astronomy
GWGLook at the example from a few minutes ago. I'm trying to upgrade my Bridgy Publish plugin. Why? Because I want to be able to POSSE with Micropub and I need at least one POSSE plugin to use to develop the interconnections...then the same connections could be used for other plugins.
miklbjust throwing it out there, but if anyone is looking for a php based publishing platform to hack on, Habari is ripe for IndieWeb features
LoqiThe object-oriented-programming antipattern is the excessive / unnecessary use of object-oriented-programming (OOP) and OOP techniques when simple procedural functions would have sufficed, with less overhead, fewer files to navigate around, fewer indirections to follow while debugging, etc
miklbI'd say Habari was still left in a state that's it is still more geared for hackers than general users, though it's quite capable of running a blog as is.
miklbI have thought about hacking some IndieWeb stuff into it, but am still scratching itches on Jekyll so it's low priority. But if anyone is looking for a solid php based code base, that is database agnostic, it's worth taking a look at
miklbthere is one design in Habari that is a bit antithesis of IndieWeb in that it actually supports pulling content in FROM silos, rather than push OUT
tantekmiklb - yeah, antithesis is probably a bit strong, I mean we do have /PESOS defined which is exactly that (pulling content in FROM silos) even if we actively *prefer* /POSSE
aaronpkfor me the main benefit of PESOS is to be able to use the tools/apps of a silo and take advantage of the fact they continue to make improvements to their interfaces
LoqiA framework is a collection of reusable software that allows a person to use some feature/functionality in some problem domain without building it from scratch
KevinMarks_The interesting thing about the go interfaces is that there is no "uses" or declaration, the linker just works it out if the method signatures match
ChrisAldrichAnd darn it all if Readlists didn't manage to die with a tiny amount of my data... Fortunately I had an old export with the most important part.
ChrisAldrichI didn't use the Readlists often, but it was nice for putting together quick ebook versions of web pages. I have some high end tools for doing this, but their web implementation was stupidly easy...