loicm_, tantek, chrisaldrich1 and chrisaldrich_ joined the channel
#petermolnarI finally figured a way to get rid of the idiotic {filename}-{width}x{height}.{ext} naming convention of resized images in WordPress... one step closer to create a static generator of my own, probably backed with micropub
#petermolnarI wasn't planning to push those upstream
#petermolnarI was mostly testing if it would do what I'd like it to do
#GWGI'm making changes to the structure anyway based on changes to Bridgy.
#GWGSince I wrote it, Instagram is gone, Flickr is in, more publication options are available...
#GWGSo, I figured I'd try to add in some of the feedback I got as part of the changes. The other part is setting up a way for Micropub to trigger it or any other arbitrary POSSE plugin.
#petermolnarby the way, that statement of mine - fixing WP media management - turned out to be an iceberg and at the moment I hate WP media management ever more
#GWGYou would have liked the guy who showed up in the Core Slack channel offering to rewrite WordPress for them.
#GWGHe'd rewrite the whole thing to make it better, but they'd have to maintain it afterward.
#tantekGWG, since it's open source, the right answer is to tell the guy, "Go for it! And demonstrate your rewrite using your own primary personal site!"
#petermolnarI'm not a rookie :); I have seen similar, old code, which became creatures of their own to handle _every_ possible scenario
#tantekeither that gets them to reconsider, or they end up actually producing something new and awesome and moving the community forward
#GWGtantek: Their response was that he might be overscoping. Maybe he wants to pick one aspect and work on that.
#petermolnarGWG did you know the admin media manager is filled up using underscore templates with monsterous PHP-to-JSON mappings?
#GWGpetermolnar: Yes, I've heard people comment that the fact that only one developer set up and committed most of that initiated a change in process that requires more peer review in future.
#GWGI'm not touching that code with a ten meter pole.
#tantekGWG, selfdogfooding is a good way to cause selfcorrection of overscoping
#tantekeither people reduce their scope and ship, or they don't
#petermolnarI wanted to create cache folders for downsized images using the name of the image size, and for frontend, I succeeded rather well
#tantekand it's self-evident that they've overscoped
#petermolnarturned out the admin is not using the same filters as the frontend... that is why I ended up looking at that code and ended up reverting my stuff
#GWGI failed at trying to get Linkback improvements as a feature project because I couldn't explain scope.
#GWGAnd Linkbacks are a relatively minor part of WordPress.
#tantekGWG, it's a big reason we have selfdogfooding as a principle here, it is a very strong reinforcer of minimalism and a strong discourager of architecture astronomy
#GWGI still have problems where my dreams and reality don't mix.
#tantekGWG, it's good to have dreams, don't let go
#tantekjust take them one piece at a time as you turn them into your reality
#petermolnardreams are hard: the majority of dreams are more of feelings and it's a tricky task to turn them into actionable points
#GWGLook at the example from a few minutes ago. I'm trying to upgrade my Bridgy Publish plugin. Why? Because I want to be able to POSSE with Micropub and I need at least one POSSE plugin to use to develop the interconnections...then the same connections could be used for other plugins.
#GWGIn order to do that, I have to overcome the reasons why I didn't switch to Bridgy Publish from SNAP.
KevinMarks and gRegorLove joined the channel
#miklbjust throwing it out there, but if anyone is looking for a php based publishing platform to hack on, Habari is ripe for IndieWeb features https://github.com/habari/habari
#LoqiThe object-oriented-programming antipattern is the excessive / unnecessary use of object-oriented-programming (OOP) and OOP techniques when simple procedural functions would have sufficed, with less overhead, fewer files to navigate around, fewer indirections to follow while debugging, etc https://indieweb.org/OOP
#miklbI'd say Habari was still left in a state that's it is still more geared for hackers than general users, though it's quite capable of running a blog as is.
#gRegorLovemiklb: Are you running Habari? I thought someone here recently was using it.
#gRegorLoveOr maybe it just came up in the homepage redesign conversation
#miklbgRegorLove I switched away beginning of this year to Jekyll
#miklbI have thought about hacking some IndieWeb stuff into it, but am still scratching itches on Jekyll so it's low priority. But if anyone is looking for a solid php based code base, that is database agnostic, it's worth taking a look at
#voxpelliaaronpk: it may be a selling point when the dominating tools on the platform are WordPress and Drupal ;)
#gRegorLoveProbably worth listing yourself under IndieWeb Examples, just note "former"
cweiske joined the channel
#miklbthere is one design in Habari that is a bit antithesis of IndieWeb in that it actually supports pulling content in FROM silos, rather than push OUT
#miklbbut the "silo" feature could easily be adapted I believe to do the reverse
#miklbanyway, just wanted to throw it out there, since I see a lot of complaints about other php based tools
#tantekmiklb - yeah, antithesis is probably a bit strong, I mean we do have /PESOS defined which is exactly that (pulling content in FROM silos) even if we actively *prefer* /POSSE
#tantekbut in some (many?) cases, PESOS is the only practical thing
#aaronpkfor me the main benefit of PESOS is to be able to use the tools/apps of a silo and take advantage of the fact they continue to make improvements to their interfaces
#aaronpkwhich is why i made ownyourgram and keep using it
#miklbtantek sure, and at the time, the community decided that it made sense to offer the ability to pull from places (i.e. Flickr or Youtube) easily
#miklbheh, just saw the def of OOP. Someone has some feels about it I see
#aaronpkwow pivotal has a pretty thorough article on it
#LoqiA framework is a collection of reusable software that allows a person to use some feature/functionality in some problem domain without building it from scratch https://indieweb.org/framework
#gRegorLoveDidn't know about PHP Traits. Interesting.
#KevinMarks_The interesting thing about the go interfaces is that there is no "uses" or declaration, the linker just works it out if the method signatures match
#ChrisAldrichAnd darn it all if Readlists didn't manage to die with a tiny amount of my data... Fortunately I had an old export with the most important part.
#ChrisAldrichI didn't use the Readlists often, but it was nice for putting together quick ebook versions of web pages. I have some high end tools for doing this, but their web implementation was stupidly easy...