#GWGI am still hoping for something to demo at NYC2
#aaronpkcweiske: I even made it skip the provider prompt if there is only one provider and it's an indieauth provider, so logging in with commentpara.de is pretty quick now
#aaronpkoh, just realized it will only do that the second time you use indieauth.com because the first time it discovers your endpoint async via javascript
#aaronpkwill need to think about how to make that faster for first-time users
#cweiskeI don't see any confirmation on indieauth.com after logging in
#cweiske"http://commentpara.de/auth.php" was not found on the site "http://commentpara.de/". Try re-scanning after checking your rel=me links on your site.
#cweiskeI switched it to https yesterday, but tried it before on indieauth.com