2016-08-05 UTC
KevinMarks, tantek, gRegorLove, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks__ and cweiske joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
loicm joined the channel
tantek and loicm joined the channel
tantek and loicm joined the channel
# 12:38 GWG I feel a slow down in my Indieweb work this week. I may need to put it aside and work on something else for a bit.
# 12:40 GWG I was hoping to have something to show at NYC 2
# 12:42 tantek GWG, you can help with outreach for IWC NYC2!
# 12:42 tantek now is the critical time for that - the 2-3 weeks out time period
# 12:42 tantek where especially people in NYC tend to stabilize their plans
# 12:42 tantek you know all previous participants in IWC NYC
# 12:42 GWG I reached out to Zach Donovan and Jeremy Zilar.
# 12:43 tantek reach out to them not only directly, but also for recommendations of who else you should contact
# 12:43 tantek chat with bear and get his recommendations too
# 12:43 GWG Considering neither of them wrote back, I think I should follow up again
# 12:43 tantek GWG - there's also the outreach section on the planning page of people to reach out to
# 12:44 tantek GWG, yes, keep following up with them every other day at this point until you get a response
# 12:44 GWG I still need to know how many rooms we will have.
# 12:44 tantek GWG - also reach out to Emma via email and enlist her help in outreach
# 12:58 tantek hey GWG I couldn't find an email so using FB chat for now
# 13:02 tantek GWG, also reach out to KevinMarks to help with outreach
# 13:02 tantek he knows enough people on Twitter that a personal invitation goes a long way
# 13:51 petermolnar GWG re: yesterday's WP HTML output question; you could trigger a wp cron call that calls the url and captures the output, which circumvents the output buffering, but it's even more ugly :D
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:03 KevinMarks Can you hook the various callbacks and build your own state stack?
# 15:15 petermolnar that, you can; the problem is that apart from actually visiting the URL you can't get the HTML output
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:49 petermolnar KevinMarks the content if fine; the trouble is with the header and the footer. You can do a full page export from the theme rather easily, but to trigger the save you need to visit the URL; I haven't found any other way (yet)
tantek joined the channel
# 16:26 tantek interesting about that site-death quote - it could link to the site-deaths for Picasa and OpenSocial
# 16:35 tantek Remember all those dead silos? IndieWeb remembers indieweb.org/site-deaths
KevinMarks_, gRegorLove and cweiske joined the channel
# 18:00 cweiske is a micropub server hard linked with a token server? I don't see a way to determine which token server to validate the bearer token at when a micropub request comes in
# 18:00 aaronpk yeah it's up to the micropub server to decide what token server it wants to use
# 18:01 cweiske but the token that the MP server gets is issued by the token server the user chose
# 18:02 cweiske but the user is not free to choose his token server when the MP server dictates which to use
# 18:03 cweiske so what's the reason for splitting those two links on the user's home page at all?
# 18:03 aaronpk it means a client uses the same discovery mechanism for all 3
# 18:03 aaronpk otherwise the client would have to do something different to ask the micropub endpoint which token endpoint to use
# 18:04 aaronpk tho i am curious if there's a demonstrated need for that
# 18:05 aaronpk there's one potential use case, trying to find it on the wiki
# 18:09 cweiske and those different MP endpoints will probably require different token servers
# 18:11 cweiske why should a MP server dictate which token endpoint to use?
# 18:12 aaronpk they feel tightly coupled to me, mostly from a security standpoint
# 18:12 aaronpk if i'm writing a micropub endpoint, i wouldn't be comfortable trusting token verification to an unknown service
# 18:13 cweiske this means that I cannot post anything anymore when my MP endpoint provider switches token servers
# 18:14 cweiske and there is no official way to find out which token server the MP endpoint wants
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 18:18 aaronpk Correct. Changing token servers is like changing what method you use to create and verify tokens
# 18:19 aaronpk i changed mine in the rewrite of my site, had to log in to all the apps again, but not a big deal
# 18:19 aaronpk later i changed the method my server uses to create tokens but I made it validate the previous tokens too
# 18:34 cweiske aaronpk, it's not necessarily I who decides to change the token server, but some MP service provider that I happen to use
# 18:35 cweiske so if my MP service provider decides to change token servers, I have to change the link on my homepage, too
# 18:35 aaronpk Yeah it would be irresponsible of them to change it without warning you ahead of time
# 18:36 aaronpk they could also change it as long as they know how to verify already existing tokens at the old token endpoint
# 18:37 cweiske but it gets clear that *I* am not free to choose the token server, so I don't see that I should have to publish the token server link on my homepage
# 18:37 aaronpk also the MP server might not use the token verification API at all and just have a previous arrangement with the token endpoint like a shared encryption secret
# 18:38 aaronpk yeah it's part of the MP endpoint really. Part of choosing a MP endpoint is putting two tags on your home page
# 18:41 aaronpk I get what you're saying, I just don't see it as a problem especially since it makes it easier for the client to only have one method to discover all three endpoints
# 18:44 cweiske on the indieauth wiki page one of the advantages against openid was that you only have to add *one* tag to your homepage, not two like for openid
# 18:49 aaronpk except that one tag was just for the ID part, not for posting to your site
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
tantek, pfefferle and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:37 gRegorLove Probably not that important since it's always been about downloadable software / p2p sharing, but there's some history ^
tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel