cmal"... you believe text files are more likely than binary database files to last long-term" > are you thinking of hardware-related problems in particular? or something else?
cmalhmm, but what about flat-file databases as binary files? aside from inspectability, is there a risk difference between storing binary representation of data and the string equivalents?
aaronpki don't think so, but at that point you're basically making up your own storage format which has the uninspectablility downsides of using the mysql/postgres disk storage formats, plus it's non-standard
cmalI mean I'm considering to use 64 bytes hashes (from libsodium) as indexes (along with a timestamp), but writing an hex representation of the data would take more space
cmalwe're still talking "only" 2 times as much space (1 byte in the file having only 16 possible values which we can store with only 4bits in binary), but still that's a considerable difference :-/
beari've always wanted an IRC client that popped up a dialog with "hey! your posting a message with the view scroll more than N lines... are you sure?"
cmalKevinMarks_: thanks for the idea, I've been thinking of using Cap'n'proto in the past but there is no PHP implementation and with this current project I'm working with PHP so I'm going to go with something else, maybe (and that's a big maybe) protobuf indeed