martijnedited /IRC (+231) "Linkify channel names, update “Install an IRC app” with new channel names, add code tags as used under “Joining a server and channel”, remove mentions of #indiewebcamp." (view diff)
cmal, KevinMarks, j4y_funabashi and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
sknebelhm, rereading about IPFS it seems like their integration with traditional sites is still not great. as in, the only way to have things work in a normal browser and be upgraded by the available browser-plugins to IPFS if installed is to use their public gateways... which I'm not comfortable with
sknebelsometimes it seems a bit all over the place, but yes, they have enough energy that they'll get somewhere. and admittedly browser integration IS tricky, esp. if you want to mess with low-level stuff with security risks.
sknebelcmal: right, that's what I'd like too, but I want a fallback to my own server, not through a gateway. and that bit seems to be missing for now (you can use DNS to say "this domains content is available via IPFS", but the browser extensions don't check/see DNS records and can only "upgrade" requests going via a known gateway)
cmalas far as I remember reading, people are working on a JS implementation of IPFS to precisely address this issue and use browser-side JS to access IPFS