#bearall XMPP clients are very opinionated, yes (how I like to read "each of them is a special hell" ;)
#cmalI haven't tried XMPP social-networking lately, but last time I tried it was working well, even in between different clients (MOVIM <--> Salut á Toi)
#cmalvoxpelli: a microservice architecture only makes sense :)
#voxpelliaaronpk: sounds fairly decoupled then anyhow – it's the decoupledness rather than the staticness that I'm looking for
#voxpellimy day job is certainly not static (rather than generating files, everything is fetched through a GraphQL API instead)
ChrisAldrich joined the channel
#voxpellicmal: hard to make a proper CMS with microservices as a CMS should almost per definition do it all :)
#aaronpkthe services my site uses are: webmention sending, webmention receiving, map generation, timezone lookup, GPS and weather logs, avatar caching, and a pubsubhubbub hub
#voxpelliaaronpk: do you do all editing through micropub or do you have a built in editor as well?
#aaronpkI create almost all my posts via micropub apps
#cmalvoxpelli: when I say CMS I don't necessarily mean a centralized thingie doing everything, I mean "content managing system" as in something articulating other things so you can actually publish and read stuff :)
#aaronpkI have a built-in micropub editor that edits tags, date, and syndication URLs
#voxpelliEven WordPress is kind of moving to where they have client, datastore and rendering be three separate things. They have a node.js based editor and many build their sites on top of wordpress data API:s rather than WordPress themes
#voxpellibut then no single projects is really the CMS, it will likely be a different setup for each and everyone that sets up a project
#petermolnarvoxpelli I'm trying to move away from WordPress, also step by step; which means I'm first fixing the theme by making it (properly) twig based, removing all the WP funk from it; meanwhile moving the webmention endpoint to a service of it's own
#petermolnarif the theme is fixed, I can - temporarily - turn WP into a static generator :D
#petermolnarGWG the best setup would probably be: 1, a pubsub server, which then scrapes the content and sends all the required mentions; 2, a pluggable "forwarder" which would store/forward incoming mentions; in my case, this latter will most probably be webmention -> email
#cmalregarding 10k-apart, that's a really good idea
#voxpelliI have a webmention endpoint one can use, as do aaronpk – and aaronpk along with some other people have services for sending webmentions as well, think aaronpk's uses PuSH-based feeds
#GWGMy interest is purely having the webmention endpoint be a service that interfaces with WordPress.
#aaronpkthe way mine works with my site is webmention.io does all the verification, then sends a POST request to my site with the verified and extracted comment text
#voxpelliI have eg. been thinking that it could maybe post the received comment over Micropub somewhere
#GWGaaronpk: That is the sort of thing I wanted to write, except as a local script.
#voxpelliaaronpk: considered doing it over Micropub instead? The problem I see with that is that comments are no h-* level objects
#voxpellibut that's a general problem with u-comment
#GWGBut considering people's concern with pingbacks on WordPress, if I could write something that interfaced to webmention.io or other handlers, I probably would write it as an optional extension to the existing plugin.
#voxpellieasiest (and currently only) way with my endpoint is to just embed it straight from my site
#GWGI don't want to embed. I want the data to be stored on the site, not only in the handler, to make switching seamless.
#voxpelliregarding u-comment issue, in the u-responses pages I added to make my comments curlable I therefore had to add the comments as top-level h-entries instead, but hard for micropub endpoint to know whether a h-entry is a received comment or a new post if one would push them both in as entries :P
#aaronpkvoxpelli: the payload that it sends ends up looking similar to micropub
#GWGBut much as I've thoguht about it, we're not at that point.
#voxpelliaaronpk: cool, would like to add that to my endpoint as well and would be great if we could use the same API
#GWGaaronpk: Is that published anywhere if someone other than you wanted to use it?
#LoqiPubSubHubbub (PuSH) is a notification-based protocol for publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indieweb.org/PubSubHubbub
#aaronpkcontent[html]=blah instead of content[value]=blah&content[content-type]=html
#voxpelliaaronpk: cool, I'll open an issue about it in my endpoint repo
#aaronpkthe other unusual difference from micropub is that this request includes author information, whereas normally micropub requests don't
#miklbvoxpelli am I following, you are thinking about adding webentions as micropub posts?
#aaronpkoh, I forgot that the comment text is actually nested inside an object in the payload too
#aaronpkaha, i did document it, but you can only see it after you log in
#voxpellimiklb: so that those who don't want to rely on javascript or such can get them easily anyhow
#voxpelliI will still use the javascript embed for my site
#aaronpki'm not sure where `source` and `target` would live if this turned into a micropub post
#miklbneat. The reason I switched as more because the jekyll plugin I use for webmention.io creates a cache file so I have a static backup of the mentions. That would solve that even better. Was thinking about that possibility when I saw this https://github.com/eduardoboucas/staticman
#voxpellisource = url param? target = hmm, was thinking in_reply_to, but that only matches a single interaction of course :/
#aaronpkthe target URL is always going to be somewhere else in the payload too, but it's easier to handle if you always have it in the same place in the request
#aaronpkoh yeah, can't remember that discussion but it sounds familiar
#voxpelliu-source? (the target could perhaps be mp-webmention-target still, as it will be in the data anyhow, but just easier for the endpoint to have it as a clear instruction)
#voxpellithe discussion basically was that it's impossible to find the source mf2 of a comment as it will point to twitter in it's u-url rather than Bridgy and thus a Salmention client can't find the true source for any received comment and thus data quality will deteriorate for each step up the lake
#voxpelliKevinMarks: indeed, and it's fairly similar to Jekyll in the format of its post, so I would want to look into supporting Hugo in addition to Jekyll for my micropub endpoint
#petermolnarHugo is interesting and their documentation is thorough, but it's Go
#voxpellito me it doesn't matter that Jekyll is Ruby as I just use it as a tool that I run and with Hugo it matters even less that it's Go as it just gets compiled to an executable
#voxpelliif only Hugo could become fully Jekyll compatible, that would be something
#KevinMarksRight, that was an attractive part, as installing is easier
#miklbruby and gem issues come up more on the #jekyll IRC channel than anything else I've seen
#loqi.mecreated /OTR (+125) "prompted by KartikPrabhu and dfn added by jboy" (view diff)
#bearruby (for me) is so painful now I have been recommending to people that if they want Jekyll to use either the NodeJS version or to use Pelican (a python tool that does the same thing)
#voxpellimain problem I've seen so far is that very few, including Hugo, seems to support the Liquid templates and to me Liquid is a very big part of jekyll
#KevinMarks_Where doing some of that in python beforehand might make more sense
#bearthat is part of my refactoring process after I'm happy with a static site's flow -- anything in the templates that could be done as part of the code
#bearI try to keep the decisions in the template related to presentation and then perform pre-processing of data to make new collections to enable that
#KevinMarks_I had another project where I started using jinja macros, and then a front end guy got involved and managed to turn them into a huge nested set of spaghetti calls