#dev 2016-08-19
2016-08-19 UTC
KevinMarks joined the channel
cmal joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
Loqi ronkyuu is a Python open source project that is being designed to handle all IndieWeb requirements for static sites https://indieweb.org/ronkyuu

miklb if anyone familiar with ruby and net/http can tell me if I'm on the right track, I'd be grateful https://gist.github.com/miklb/690a76b88a2f289681f6df09ebcaa709

KevinMarks_ and mindB joined the channel
KevinMarks_ Well, it's a post, so not in the url, but effectively yes. You can do it with a form

KevinMarks_ However you send a form POST in your language, do that

KevinMarks_ (sorry, replied in the slack, forgot it wasn't mirrored)

KevinMarks_ Only the indieweb one does at the moment

KevinMarks_ So, the point is that the parameters go in the payload, form encoded, as it's a POST not a GET

KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks Is that ruby?

KevinMarks Looks easy require "net/http" require "uri" uri = URI.parse("http://example.com/search") # Shortcut response = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri,

{"q" => "My query", "per_page" => "50"}
KevinMarks No, you don't want to send json here.

KevinMarks Micropub has a json option, but webmention is just form encoding

KevinMarks No, classes not id

KevinMarks You can use an id, but mf2 won't parse it

AngeloGladding KevinMarks, kylewm had the same repr h-card implementation on his own site -- he's aware and a patch has been submitted
AngeloGladding i've added you both to the crawl
AngeloGladding i'm json dumping my graph to one degree of separation: https://angelo.lahacker.net/people/graph.json
AngeloGladding anyone feel free to use it for analysis
AngeloGladding 1.2 MB at this point.. a full dump.. i'll release a two-degrees dump soon.. will be an order of magnitude more data..
AngeloGladding i'll actually make use of the data on the individual person pages on my site
AngeloGladding highlighting representative h-cards, collapsing feed entries into readable summaries, etc
AngeloGladding just providing a near real-time semantic graph of the indieweb
KevinMarks, loicm_, KevinMarks_ and tantek joined the channel
petermolnar morning

petermolnar is anyone aware of a comparison of front matter "variables" in the most common static generators? (jekyll, hugo, pelican, etc. )

petermolnar sounds like something I'll need to do myself

petermolnar I was thinking to look into the "old" formats, such as asciidoc, various library methods, the current most commons way and try to come up with some sort of most compatible layout

petermolnar what is frontmatter?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "frontmatter" yet. Would you like to create it?

petermolnar what is front matter?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "front matter" yet. Would you like to create it?

petermolnar frontmatter is a common way to include metadata in plain text, commonly Markdown formats by adding a YAML block in front of the actual data, divided by a top "---" and a bottom "---" or "...". Pandoc supports these blocks when converting one format to another, see http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-yaml_metadata_block

loqi.me created /frontmatter (+356) "prompted by petermolnar and dfn added by petermolnar" (view diff)

petermolnar front matter is /frontmatter

loqi.me created /front_matter (+24) "prompted by petermolnar and dfn added by petermolnar" (view diff)

petermolnar what is pandoc?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "pandoc" yet. Would you like to create it?

petermolnar pandoc is a format converter which supports an extreme variety of input and output formats; useful to convert from/to HTML, Markdown, XML, docx, etc. formats. See http://pandoc.org/

cmal and mindB2 joined the channel
petermolnar morning

cmal and singpolyma joined the channel
@sil @mhoye Yeah. Webmentions provide the same two-way-link that pingback was made to do, but they haven't been adopted. (twitter.com/_/status/766632685133504512)
@mhoye @sil WebMentions doesn't solves any of the problems that really killed pingbacks, that being spammers. (twitter.com/_/status/766634406110953472)
KevinMarks, loicm and Loqi joined the channel
KevinMarks Haven't been widely adopted, but WordPress should ship them

cmal joined the channel
KevinMarks and doesntgolf joined the channel
miklb seems pretty straight forward to read the data files. Found I was going to have difficulty figuring out which file I needed to add the FM to, so this way I can use a regex to get the last part of the source URL which happens to be slug, and use that as the data file name, Then can slug FM to access the file and loop through the data. At least that's my plan :)

rhiaro, mindB, gRegorLove, KevinMarks and cmal joined the channel
cmal https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/Federation/Candidates ↠Isn't ActivityPub considered a federation protocol? is there a specific reason why it's not listed there?
KevinMarks_ and AngeloGladding joined the channel
mindB and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
cmal is this the source code running her website? https://bitbucket.org/rhiaro/slogd
KevinMarks joined the channel
rhiaro And documentation is sort of shaping up at https://w3c-social.github.io/social-web-protocols, but still a ways to go

KevinMarks joined the channel
cmal so, sorry I'm a little lost in your code, what actual data format are you using to store items? and what is this "turtle" thing ? https://github.com/rhiaro/sloph/blob/master/data/160601-002038_574e1c4d6f40d.ttl
cmal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triplestore ↠guess I found the answer to my noob question :)
kevinmarks.com edited /events/2016-08-24-homebrew-website-club (+21) "/* Where */ goDaddy again" (view diff)

rhiaro curl -v -H "Accept: application/ld+json" http://blog.rhiaro.co.uk/updated-working

kevinmarks.com edited /events/2016-08-24-homebrew-website-club (+71) "/* San Francisco */ indie event" (view diff)

cmal so, sorry for the very noob questions (I'm very new to RDF), but do you think RDF is more suited as a backend storage than AS2/MF2? I'm guessing it must be easier and faster to parse than MF2, but regarding AS2 I don't see a real difference between the two (RDF seems to be using tripples, AS2 has transitive/intransitive semantics and object/actor/activity differentiation)
kevinmarks.com edited /events/2016-08-24-homebrew-website-club (+52) "/* San Francisco */ fb event" (view diff)

KevinMarks I did a post that mapped between them, but not for a h-entry case

mindB joined the channel
rhiaro also I have a bunch of posts on my site exporing some of this stuff, check /tag/activitystreams, /tag/microformats, /tag/socialwg and similar

KevinMarks You wrote the book on it

AngeloGladding rhiaro i'm adding all pages with representative h-cards to an indieweb-wide crawl -- if you add a `p-uid` to your h-card's `p-url` i can add you too
gRegorLove I think I have one on gregorlove.com, though only by accident, since I only publish the most recent article on the homepage, not a stream.

gRegorLove Not sure I understand the differences between representative h-card and /authorship

AngeloGladding the list is at https://angelo.lahacker.net/people and i have indeed added you
AngeloGladding yours does look unintentional
AngeloGladding but it passes #3 in the parsing algorithm at http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-h-card-parsing
AngeloGladding oh hey thanks for pointing out /authorship
AngeloGladding it suggests improvements on the representative h-card parsing algorithm that could allow me to add some 70+ from /irc-people that don't currently have one
KevinMarks and mindB joined the channel
aaronpk representative h-card is meant to be used on someone's author URL, /authorship is to discover the author given a URL of a post

AngeloGladding aaronpk: from /authorship "Note: the steps of checking for "url == uid == page's URL" and "url that's also a rel-me" were incorporated inline from the steps for parsing a representative h-card. Some improvements have been made here due to feedback from implementations in practice, and those improvements should be incorporated into an iteration of representative h-card. "
gRegorLove So authorship supersedes it? What's an "author URL"?

AngeloGladding not sure what you mean there but indieauth would be a great time to use it -- to present the consuming site w/ full name and contact (basic registration material)
aaronpk when you sign in to https://telegraph.p3k.io it looks for an h-card on your page and adds your contact info and photo from it

aaronpk it uses this to find it https://github.com/indieweb/representative-h-card-php

gRegorLove AngeloGladding: Cool. What are your plans for that list?

gRegorLove rel=followee is interesting. Haven't seen that before, I don't think.

AngeloGladding yeah i definitely made it up
AngeloGladding wiktionary has it defined
AngeloGladding whereas the noun form of "following" is just as you'd expect -- a group of people
AngeloGladding your person page on my site rel=me's back to your site
gRegorLove I have a list of people I'm following. No rels, though. http://gregorlove.com/following/

Loqi follow is a common button in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") https://indieweb.org/following

gRegorLove It's on /follower

gRegorLove Yeah, those two are a bit confusing

gRegorLove ?

AngeloGladding gRegorLove nice -- should definitely add an XFN rel to those
gRegorLove What is XFN?

Loqi XFN is an abbreviation for XHTML Friends Network, the network of visible links across blogs that claim various XFN relationships with/to each other https://indieweb.org/XFN

gRegorLove I think I had XFN ages ago.

KevinMarks joined the channel
gRegorLove With my current indieweb understanding, I'm not sure what functionality XFN would give me.

AngeloGladding it was the first microformat that predates microformats
gRegorLove I primarily use that page now as a list of domains I'll accept vouch from

AngeloGladding where do you link to it from your main page?
gRegorLove And, in theory, importing subscriptions to a reader like /Woodwind, when they support that.

gRegorLove It's not linked publicly on my site yet.

gRegorLove Still working through some navigation / structural changes

AngeloGladding so if you rel=me it somehow from your identity page -- e.g. rel=me "About" and from "About" rel=me /following -- i'll find it and represent it on your page on my site
gRegorLove I like my minimal layout and didn't want to just start packing a bunch of links in navigation or footer, so I have stuff like /following and /events not linked :)

AngeloGladding i'll eventually traverse all rel=me's
AngeloGladding i think that breaks some fundamental rule of WWW ;)
gRegorLove AngeloGladding: What would it represent on your site? Like you'd show the list of sites I'm following?

AngeloGladding danger
AngeloGladding that'll keep you from open sourcing your code
gRegorLove Is the JSON supposed to appear at the bottom of https://angelo.lahacker.net/2016/08/18/uWdjG/added-event ?

AngeloGladding gRegorLove -- a decentralized social network should emerge
AngeloGladding um yeah i'm heavy on the consumption right now, light on the production :)
gRegorLove np, just wondering :)

AngeloGladding i'm working out a way to abstract post-types, etc. at the core of my platform
AngeloGladding so yes its there for dev purposes
gRegorLove Hmm. Would a rel=me to my "following" page be accurate? It's not really another profile that represents me.

gRegorLove What is rel-me

Loqi Using rel=me on a hyperlink indicates that its destination represents the same person or entity as the current page, which is a key building-block of web-sign-in and IndieAuth https://indieweb.org/rel%3Dme

AngeloGladding hmm.. that's actually a good question
AngeloGladding i made that assumption long ago
AngeloGladding that definition may be a modernized adaptation
gRegorLove Yeah, I think it definitely represents more current practices. Don't know about the history.

gRegorLove I have rel-mes in <links> on my homepage, so could easily add a link to following there. A different rel might be preferable (or not... not sure)

AngeloGladding http://gmpg.org/xfn/11#me "There is an implicit "me" relation from the contents of a directory to the directory itself." interesting..
AngeloGladding i'd say it's appropriate and i'll be using rel=me's to build a personal graph so it'll be appropriate at least in my context :)
AngeloGladding i'll ask around
gRegorLove ben_thatmustbeme's list is at https://ben.thatmustbe.me/whitelist and is linked from his homepage as rel-alternate, AS2 format apparently: http://stream.thatmustbe.us/?op=mf2-as2&url=https%3A%2F%2Fben.thatmustbe.me%2F%2Fwhitelist

gRegorLove I'm going to stick with rel-mes for other profiles

gRegorLove oops, looking at the wrong page source

gRegorLove You're right.

gRegorLove I thought at some point his homepage linked to the whitelist, but not currently

AngeloGladding aaronpk ChrisAldrich made a good comment last night -- the ever expanding crawl will help us visualize what technologies are and are not being used
AngeloGladding bear presented indie-stats.com last night
AngeloGladding so it appears to be more of an archive
AngeloGladding which will certainly give it more coverage and lend itself to a simple interface
AngeloGladding but i'm looking to crawl around rel=me's and fetch content found inside h-entries and what not
AngeloGladding pull in data from behind walled gardens
AngeloGladding heuristics here and there, raising the bar of standards compliance through immediate visual feedback
AngeloGladding overlapping no doubt.. i'll have to take a look at his code
AngeloGladding but eventually i want to distribute the crawl load amongst other peers and query the graph in a decentralized fashion
AngeloGladding so i'm definitely just bootstrapping now by dumping /irc-people and what not but i don't intend to keep a complete list forever
AngeloGladding gg bbl