2016-08-18 UTC
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# 00:52 aaronpk i really want to start working on private posts, and letting people log in to see additional posts in my feeds
# 00:53 aaronpk but i'm kind of stuck on how to actually implement that from a database design perspective
# 00:55 KevinMarks What's the sticking point? Lists of domains that can read a post? Or wanting named groups?
# 00:56 aaronpk the simplest case is I have a post and mark it as being visible to user #2. how do I design the database and write the query to render my home page that includes that post, when that user is viewing it?
# 00:56 aaronpk i eventually want to extend this idea to groups, so i actually make posts visible to certain groups, and can assign users into groups
# 00:57 aaronpk but direct user addressing of posts is a simple example and still demonstrates the challenge
# 00:59 aaronpk you know what? maybe i'm going about this wrong, and should rethink how I even want this to work in the first place
# 01:00 bear depends on how secure you want it to be I guess
# 01:01 bear do it at the web server level and you can block all requests unless a token or cookie is found
# 01:01 bear oh right, php - you could do that in code
# 01:01 aaronpk the individual post isn't the problem. the problem is generating lists of posts
# 01:02 bear just make that another one of your collections
# 01:02 aaronpk back in 2008 i built out a twitter clone that had the concept of "channels" or "collections"
# 01:02 bear then all of your other UI and process doesn't change
# 01:03 aaronpk every post i'd write i would choose which channels it appeared in. some were public and some were private
# 01:03 bear yep, conversations between people in them would just be normal [web|sal]mention
# 01:04 bear the only gotcha would be a private post webmention -- how would my site validate a webmention from a private post
# 01:04 aaronpk just you log in, and you get to see stuff that isn't public
# 01:05 aaronpk but what i'm talking about, the fundamental difference is whether you want someone to know they're reading a partial feed, or whether you want them to read your home page and see something different than when someone else logs in
# 01:05 bear yea, my site would need to have a way to get a token for webmention scope
# 01:06 bear yea, that's a different UX issue altogehter
# 01:06 aaronpk at the permalink level it's just figuring out the mechanics at this point, not super hard
# 01:08 bear looking at your site now as the starting point for a ux thought ... everything is public and the main feed until I get to the footer
# 01:08 bear so then maybe I would see a "bear only" item?
# 01:09 bear or an additional row at the bottom of your header box
# 01:09 aaronpk that would make sense to see messages addressed specifically to you
# 01:09 bear "bear: private, webmentions, likes, ..."
# 01:09 aaronpk but what about things that I post to small groups, not necessarily addressing you specifically?
# 01:10 bear bear: private; groups: dev, beards ??
# 01:10 bear heck "private" could just be a special group
# 01:10 aaronpk but i might want to create groups that you don't know you're in
# 01:11 bear they would just appear on my "group sidebar"
# 01:11 aaronpk is there any reason not to just include those posts in my home page feed then when you're looking at it?
# 01:11 bear like facebook says "you were tagged in ..."
# 01:12 bear you would have to have a very obvious UI item
# 01:12 bear otherwise I would be confused when I made the context switch from public to private
# 01:12 bear almost like a callout to the right or left that has a private tag icon and the group name
# 01:13 bear because as I'm scrolling down i'm seeing the content before your item footer
# 01:20 bear was trying to look for an example but my google-fu for design keywords is bad
# 01:20 bear the quickest example I could think of is the vertical change bar used by diff tools
# 01:21 bear if that appeared next to one of your post with the tag/group name text in the coloured bar... it would really stand out with your clean design
# 01:21 bear even if it's just a colour swatch in the background of your rounded box
# 01:21 miklb couldn't a special class be added to posts with a "private" flag set, that way you can style it
# 01:22 bear and then... right what miklb just said
# 01:23 aaronpk facebook has little icons that show whether a post is public or shared with a group
# 01:23 bear yea, I never notice them until it's too late
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# 01:26 bear just have to make sure your photo items don't cause it to disappear visually
# 01:28 bear I meant if the photo was the private item
# 01:28 bear you lose the amount of bordered box area you can see
# 01:31 aaronpk could even do red for a message addressed to only you
# 01:31 bear you still would need some way to discover what that difference was all about
# 01:31 aaronpk tho i think showing who a post is adressed to is a different UI issue
# 01:31 bear "oh look, aaron likes coloured boxes!"
# 01:32 bear i've always been a fan of the small tab or "hanger" that moves with a cursor when scrolling
# 01:33 bear oh yea, that header line that scrolls up and sticks
# 01:34 aaronpk that sounds like a good enhancement for just showing the header line statically on the top of the post
# 01:36 bear cool, I hope my babbling has been helpful in unblocking your ux exploration :)
# 01:36 bear i'm off to find out what is for dinner
# 01:55 miklb anyone have a suggestion where to learn a little more about using git in a shell script. I have a script that pushes a branch to gh, now I want to push another branch as well, but not exactly sure how to go about that
# 01:58 miklb hmm. looks like I just need to pretend like I'm at the CLI
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# 04:25 miklb except pushing back to gh is failing somewhere
# 04:30 rascul put the script in a gist or something, i'll take a look at it
# 04:32 miklb I think I see what the problem is, I'm getting "detached head"
# 04:35 miklb I'm checking git status from within the script on Travis to verify where it thinks it is. My debugging skills are weak :)
# 04:40 rascul oh, i'm not really all that good with the git stuff, if it was an issue with shell scripting i could probably figure it out though
# 04:41 rascul i can add, commit, push, and do fancy stuff after i google ;)
# 04:41 miklb I'm pushing another change, and explicitly checking out the branch I need to be on.
# 04:41 miklb heh, I'm doing a fair amount of googling tonight myself.
# 04:42 rascul are you sure you have the cd .. in the proper place?
# 04:42 rascul seems like maybe it should be inside the if block
# 04:43 miklb well, the if is checking if in the jekyll branch, which is what I want to push back to, but I think since it's pushing to mater in there, it looses being in jekyll.
# 04:44 miklb notes that was a poor choice of branch names
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# 05:29 bear remember miklb that you have to update master branch before creating another branch
# 05:30 miklb bear thanks. I'm not creating another branch though
# 05:30 bear otherwise you get the detached head - which is git speak for: the version HEAD is at is different than what the origin has for the HEAD version and you have asked for a new branch
# 05:31 miklb I fixed the detached head by checking out the original branch again after pushing master
# 05:31 bear I was just using the "branch" named master as an example
# 05:32 miklb everything seems to be working now except I'm not authenticating with gh to push the changes. Need to resolve that
# 05:36 miklb all this to push cached webmentions after a build :)
# 05:36 miklb but the bigger goal is to add u-syndicate links to POSSE posts through bridgy
# 05:39 miklb which I think I've got a solution for, but wanted to make sure this step was working before tackling
# 05:45 bear I still haven't figured out why my syndicate's are not showing up in Quill
# 05:48 rascul little bit more codes for tomorrow, then i get to play with templates, and hopefully i'll have a site again tomorrow
# 05:50 miklb bear dod you know what this means? "error: src refspec origin does not match any."
# 05:52 bear it means you haven't done your first commit
# 05:53 bear debug it by using `git show-ref` and make sure you have an entry for the branch your in `refs/heads/XXXX`
# 05:55 bear that version is caused by you not having a local ref for the branch your trying to now push to the remote
# 05:55 bear you can force it by doing `git push origin HEAD:XXXX`
# 05:56 bear what I do to avoid this is to use `-b` when checking out a branch so it creates it locally - but then you have to remember to push the branch creation to the origin
# 05:56 miklb well, when I run git status, it says up to date with origin/jekyll
# 05:56 miklb ah. so create a new branch and push that back to my "jekyll" branch?
# 05:57 bear for me I always check to make sure i'm on master and it's up to date before doing a checkout -b branch
# 05:59 bear using checkout -b branch is also the style of branch management that github uses
# 06:10 miklb maybe I'm doing this wrong git push "https://${GH_TOKEN}@${GH_REF}
" origin:jekyll
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# 06:11 bear you shouldn't have to reference http in your push
# 06:12 bear ugh - trying to type with a cat in my lap...
# 06:13 bear the git clone should have set up the remote
# 06:15 bear this is the process I use: 1) git clone <your remote repo url> 2) git checkout -b branchname 3) do stuff 4) git push --set-upstream origin branchname
# 06:16 bear it looks like you are not in the same branch you are trying to push
# 06:17 bear your commit is updating the branch jekyll_new but your push says to send it to origin:jekyll
# 06:19 bear you should do a `git checkout jekyll` and then a `git merge jekyll_new`
# 06:19 bear to pull jekyll_new changes into the branch you pulled from the remote
# 06:21 bear because I stop using the command line git and then forget all the steps that github hides
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# 07:51 Loqi bear has 160 karma (3 in this channel)
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# 17:26 gkbrk.com created /refback (+2864) "Created page with "{{stub}}
'''<dfn>Refback</dfn>''' is a [[linkback ]] method that works using the standard ''HTTP Referer header''. ==Software Support== Refback has the benefit of not needing an..."" (
view diff )
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# 17:54 voxpelli miklb: your syndicate thing – is that something that could be added to my micropub repo?
# 17:55 voxpelli miklb: you said "just need to look at how to move my syndicate-to links" yesterday ;)
# 17:55 miklb I don't think so because the webmention can't be sent until the post is published.
# 17:58 miklb oh and I edited the main.js for queryHander
# 17:59 miklb if (q === 'syndicate-to' && req.targetsite.syndicateTo)
# 17:59 voxpelli miklb: maybe we could add that to the main repo and make it configurable through an env variable?
# 18:00 miklb that would probably be ideal. Then what I do is send the webmention based on the Front Matter that creates (as well as use some liquid to insert the link in the post)
# 18:01 miklb though I'm working on adding the u-syndicate link which then I'm not sure I need the bridgy link in the post
# 18:03 miklb my goal is to post notes with bridgy no-link but get backfeed from Twitter
# 18:05 miklb voxpelli do you want a pull request for the main.js or just an issue with the couple of lines of code?
# 18:06 voxpelli love to get code contributions and I hope the dev tools are set up to give great feedback on coding style etc
# 18:20 voxpelli miklb: if you're using eg Atom.app and have the eslint plugin installed there then it will give you coding style help directly inlined
# 18:24 miklb hmm I guess I need to install esllint on my machine too?
# 18:27 voxpelli miklb: I think it's included, you have to install the dependencies of the project though
# 19:02 cmal I'm thinking of dropping Protobuf for my collections database project
# 19:03 cmal since I only use fixed-size data (32-bit ints and 64-byte hashes) it adds some overhead in most cases
# 19:04 cmal but the real problem is its integer encoding scheme (which is really clever by the way) makes it impossible for me to have fixed-size entries
# 19:04 cmal maybe I'll go for text, will be a little overhead but it's not that dramatic
# 19:04 voxpelli oh, running a Micropub service that adds files by committing them to your git repo using GitHub's API:s and then building it by relying on GitHub Pages certainly adds some overhead as well, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask about overhead :)
# 19:05 cmal I don't know, I'm just trying to conceive a single case in which you would have to manually edit a collection (that's supposed to be your CMS' job)
# 19:06 miklb voxpelli lol. I was thinking about that when I was modifying my Travis deploy tasks last night
# 19:06 cmal voxpelli: static-site publishing is really fun :D
# 19:06 voxpelli have many many times done edits directly to the database to fix a critical thing that the CMS didn't support
# 19:07 cmal well here my collections are REALLY as simple as a hash of the route and a timestamp for ordering
# 19:07 cmal do you see a case for manual edition in this situation?
# 19:09 voxpelli I rarely see a case for manual editing, still other people keep finding them for me :/
# 19:09 cmal (I'm also counting on the hash-timestamp match to counterfeit potential collisions)
# 19:25 cmal just found out there's a falafel place near their home. *hmmmmmm*
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# 19:36 voxpelli miklb: ;) write the conditions you want in English in an issue and I'll convert them for you
# 19:38 miklb I may not get to the conversion to the new wmg until after the weekend anyway. Lots to do before beach weekend.
# 19:39 voxpelli miklb: no hurry! I'm just happy that I'm not blocking you :) Been too much of that
# 19:39 miklb oh, no not at all. I kinda want to get the u-syndicate stuff working anyway, and that doesn't depend on switching
# 19:40 miklb I would like to have option to move the /media directory, but that's not blocking anything either.
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# 19:42 miklb I'm not taking my computer to the beach, but might try to finalize workflow for micropub from iOS. Have basics working, just need to tweak front matter stuff and add option for those syndicate-to links.
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# 22:03 KevinMarks Don't base64 them, cmal as then you can't pass them in urls without being driven mad.
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# 22:47 cmal KevinMarks: I was thinking of storing them as a binary representation and then using Sodium\bin2hex to get a proper string representation out of it
# 22:49 cmal also I'm not planning on using these hashes in URLs, just locally to symlink to the actual content without knowing its route
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