#aaronpki really want to start working on private posts, and letting people log in to see additional posts in my feeds
#aaronpkbut i'm kind of stuck on how to actually implement that from a database design perspective
#KevinMarksWhat's the sticking point? Lists of domains that can read a post? Or wanting named groups?
#aaronpkthe simplest case is I have a post and mark it as being visible to user #2. how do I design the database and write the query to render my home page that includes that post, when that user is viewing it?
#aaronpki eventually want to extend this idea to groups, so i actually make posts visible to certain groups, and can assign users into groups
#aaronpkbut direct user addressing of posts is a simple example and still demonstrates the challenge
#aaronpkyou know what? maybe i'm going about this wrong, and should rethink how I even want this to work in the first place
#beardepends on how secure you want it to be I guess
#beardo it at the web server level and you can block all requests unless a token or cookie is found
#Loqiprivate-webmention is a suggested protocol for combining microformats2, Webmention, and IndieAuth to convey private posts between two people or between groups of people https://indieweb.org/private-webmention
#aaronpkbut what i'm talking about, the fundamental difference is whether you want someone to know they're reading a partial feed, or whether you want them to read your home page and see something different than when someone else logs in
#bearyea, my site would need to have a way to get a token for webmention scope
#miklbanyone have a suggestion where to learn a little more about using git in a shell script. I have a script that pushes a branch to gh, now I want to push another branch as well, but not exactly sure how to go about that
#miklbhmm. looks like I just need to pretend like I'm at the CLI
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#miklbexcept pushing back to gh is failing somewhere
#rasculput the script in a gist or something, i'll take a look at it
#rasculoh, i'm not really all that good with the git stuff, if it was an issue with shell scripting i could probably figure it out though
#rasculi can add, commit, push, and do fancy stuff after i google ;)
#miklbI'm pushing another change, and explicitly checking out the branch I need to be on.
#miklbheh, I'm doing a fair amount of googling tonight myself.
#rasculare you sure you have the cd .. in the proper place?
#rasculseems like maybe it should be inside the if block
#miklbwell, the if is checking if in the jekyll branch, which is what I want to push back to, but I think since it's pushing to mater in there, it looses being in jekyll.
#miklbnotes that was a poor choice of branch names
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#bearremember miklb that you have to update master branch before creating another branch
#miklbbear thanks. I'm not creating another branch though
#bearotherwise you get the detached head - which is git speak for: the version HEAD is at is different than what the origin has for the HEAD version and you have asked for a new branch
#miklbI fixed the detached head by checking out the original branch again after pushing master
#beardebug it by using `git show-ref` and make sure you have an entry for the branch your in `refs/heads/XXXX`
#bearthat version is caused by you not having a local ref for the branch your trying to now push to the remote
#bearyou can force it by doing `git push origin HEAD:XXXX`
#bearwhat I do to avoid this is to use `-b` when checking out a branch so it creates it locally - but then you have to remember to push the branch creation to the origin
#miklbwell, when I run git status, it says up to date with origin/jekyll
#miklbah. so create a new branch and push that back to my "jekyll" branch?
#gkbrk.comcreated /refback (+2864) "Created page with "{{stub}} '''<dfn>Refback</dfn>''' is a [[linkback]] method that works using the standard ''HTTP Referer header''. ==Software Support== Refback has the benefit of not needing an..."" (view diff)
#voxpellimiklb: maybe we could add that to the main repo and make it configurable through an env variable?
#miklbthat would probably be ideal. Then what I do is send the webmention based on the Front Matter that creates (as well as use some liquid to insert the link in the post)
#miklbthough I'm working on adding the u-syndicate link which then I'm not sure I need the bridgy link in the post
#miklbmy goal is to post notes with bridgy no-link but get backfeed from Twitter
#miklbvoxpelli do you want a pull request for the main.js or just an issue with the couple of lines of code?
#voxpellioh, running a Micropub service that adds files by committing them to your git repo using GitHub's API:s and then building it by relying on GitHub Pages certainly adds some overhead as well, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask about overhead :)
#cmalI don't know, I'm just trying to conceive a single case in which you would have to manually edit a collection (that's supposed to be your CMS' job)
#miklbvoxpelli lol. I was thinking about that when I was modifying my Travis deploy tasks last night
#cmalvoxpelli: static-site publishing is really fun :D
#voxpellihave many many times done edits directly to the database to fix a critical thing that the CMS didn't support
#cmalwell here my collections are REALLY as simple as a hash of the route and a timestamp for ordering
#cmaldo you see a case for manual edition in this situation?
#voxpelliI rarely see a case for manual editing, still other people keep finding them for me :/
#cmal(I'm also counting on the hash-timestamp match to counterfeit potential collisions)
#voxpellimiklb: ;) write the conditions you want in English in an issue and I'll convert them for you
#voxpelliBasically it the Gmail filter box for JSON objects
#miklbI may not get to the conversion to the new wmg until after the weekend anyway. Lots to do before beach weekend.
#voxpellimiklb: no hurry! I'm just happy that I'm not blocking you :) Been too much of that
#miklboh, no not at all. I kinda want to get the u-syndicate stuff working anyway, and that doesn't depend on switching
#miklbI would like to have option to move the /media directory, but that's not blocking anything either.
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#miklbI'm not taking my computer to the beach, but might try to finalize workflow for micropub from iOS. Have basics working, just need to tweak front matter stuff and add option for those syndicate-to links.
#KevinMarksI am being annoyed by hashes at the moment
#KevinMarksDon't base64 them, cmal as then you can't pass them in urls without being driven mad.
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#cmalKevinMarks: I was thinking of storing them as a binary representation and then using Sodium\bin2hex to get a proper string representation out of it
#cmalalso I'm not planning on using these hashes in URLs, just locally to symlink to the actual content without knowing its route