#dev 2016-08-17
2016-08-17 UTC
rMdes, mblaney and rMdes_ joined the channel
rMdes and rMdes_ joined the channel
AngeloGladding !tell KevinMarks mf2util isn't considering your representative h-card because it's bundled with p-author -- see https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util/blob/master/mf2util.py#L91 -- who should patch? i want to get you in on the crawl :)
KevinMarks, AngeloGladding and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
aaronpk there is a letsencrypt page http://indieweb.org/letsencrypt

rascul i'll likely be adding to /letsencrypt in due time

rascul.xyz edited /HTTPS () "(-1201) the let's encrypt section is outdated and let's encrypt has its own page" (view diff)

aaronparecki.com edited /letsencrypt (+262) "there are some benefits of short renewal intervals" (view diff)

rascul.xyz edited /HTTPS (-218) "/* Obtain */ change let's encrypt description and link to the wiki page" (view diff)

rascul well i did copy/paste a line from https://letsencrypt.org/about/

rascul and a line from https://letsencrypt.org/getting-started/

Loqi StartSSL is a service that provides introductory SSL certificates for no cost, see startssl.com https://indieweb.org/StartSSL

rMdes_ and AngeloGladding joined the channel
AngeloGladding not sure if the last message went through: rascul fyi if you add a rel=me to your class=u-url it becomes a http://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
gRegorLove joined the channel
AngeloGladding yeah who's team are you on
AngeloGladding :)
AngeloGladding thnx for the change.
AngeloGladding i went through the indieweb.org wiki user list and added everyone with a representative h-card to my list
AngeloGladding you're #20
AngeloGladding my crawler will index your page within the half hour
AngeloGladding https://angelo.lahacker.net/people
AngeloGladding microformats and schema.org are competing standards i believe
AngeloGladding definitely just kidding
chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
AngeloGladding yeah it's google's baby
AngeloGladding simplest source code i've read yet
AngeloGladding and i've had my nose in some wordpress muck as of late
AngeloGladding so refreshing
AngeloGladding yeah a <span style="display: none;">·</span> will work
AngeloGladding or wait..
AngeloGladding no
AngeloGladding sorry
AngeloGladding haha
AngeloGladding i'm going to learn to abuse those alerts of yours
AngeloGladding yes
AngeloGladding oh ok
AngeloGladding i was actually impressed w/ your and Chris' responsiveness to the mention
AngeloGladding rascul i was going to suggest a different approach
AngeloGladding w/ stylesheets turned off (as i do...) you have redundancy
AngeloGladding i have a solution
AngeloGladding add a <span class=dot>·</span>
AngeloGladding sorry
AngeloGladding just the naked tag <span class=dot></span>
AngeloGladding then add css: .dot:after
{ content: "-"; }
AngeloGladding you can look up how to add unicode to css
AngeloGladding some escaping involved..
AngeloGladding don't believe so
AngeloGladding try it
gRegorLove Loqi uses the p-name and doesn't trim new lines from it, rascul

AngeloGladding https://angelo.lahacker.net
AngeloGladding correct
AngeloGladding yeah as long as you serve the css correctly
AngeloGladding indeed
AngeloGladding cool
AngeloGladding while we're getting technical
AngeloGladding p-job-title or p-role may be more appropriate than p-note for your, ahem, title
AngeloGladding and yeah no prob
AngeloGladding cool cool cool
AngeloGladding there's a page on the font pack's site about the accessibility issue
AngeloGladding put the content inside a <span> inside the <i> and display: none span w/ "i span
{ display: none; }
AngeloGladding your machine has been compromised
AngeloGladding http://fontawesome.io/examples/#accessible
AngeloGladding that goes a bit deeper if you're interested
AngeloGladding i'll show you the output of my crawler tomorrowish
AngeloGladding great minimalist example
AngeloGladding i hope you continue to add indieweb components in their simplest, purist form
AngeloGladding yeah there's a great divide between your camp and the wordpress folks
AngeloGladding i'm desperately trying to strike a balance with my canopy
AngeloGladding bash & rust static site generators? yeah.. evident
AngeloGladding i think there's some room for static dynamism w/ your approach if you think outside the box
AngeloGladding exactly.. and some parts more frequently than others..
AngeloGladding cache all the things
AngeloGladding yes.
AngeloGladding i'm prepping my site to be aggressively cached.. part of the reason i have a local supervisor watching a custom built nginx
AngeloGladding there's still downsides but solid caching will go a long way to make a heavily dynamic site match performance parity w/ a static one
AngeloGladding you just have to instruct the web server to bake your output to file
AngeloGladding which is non-trivial
AngeloGladding well yeah if you're static you're good
AngeloGladding but my point is you can take an aggressively dynamic site and make it look very close to static
AngeloGladding just takes a bit of work
AngeloGladding that's why someone like me figures it all out *cleanly* and bakes it into the platform
AngeloGladding that's the idea at least
AngeloGladding don't leave caching as an afterthought
AngeloGladding my goal is to keep the entire platform under 10k sloc python
AngeloGladding django and wordpress are up over 250k
AngeloGladding oh yeah i mean i've been there.. i definitely know what you're talking about.. but the freedom one has to hit refresh and get new content
AngeloGladding like an administration panel.. that's an obvious use case for dynamic
AngeloGladding but a blog post can and should be set to cache
AngeloGladding yeah like i said i haven't implemented it yet but i look forward to using etag+last-modified
AngeloGladding the tools are there
AngeloGladding hmm.. then there's `sendfile`
AngeloGladding familiar?
AngeloGladding hah
AngeloGladding yes
AngeloGladding on that note
AngeloGladding the chatter is not entirely in vain
AngeloGladding i look forward to adverstising the simplicity of your site through my crawler's public interface
AngeloGladding so keep on doing the static thing
AngeloGladding damn we were just about wrapped up
AngeloGladding :)
rascul btw gitit is a fun wiki if you want a personal wiki and use git a lot http://gitit.net/

AngeloGladding hello Australia
AngeloGladding the wiki app ive begun work on for my platform has the simplest of features
AngeloGladding a title, a body in markdown, and a hash of the two appended to the previous versions' hashes
AngeloGladding a merkle tree
AngeloGladding like in git
AngeloGladding i'm all about reinventing wheels i suppose...
AngeloGladding mblaney -- do you have an indieweb site w/ a representative hcard?
AngeloGladding i'm collecting them all....
AngeloGladding brb
mblaney AngeloGladding: yes https://unicyclic.com/mal or just click on my name in the logs

mblaney did you look at /irc-people? lots of sites with h-cards there.

AngeloGladding ah i was foraging at http://indieweb.org/Special:ActiveUsers and misinterpreted your username
AngeloGladding whoa that irc list has way more people..
AngeloGladding are those all manual entries?
KevinMarks_ So why is mine failing? Because I have other h-cards?

Loqi KevinMarks_: AngeloGladding left you a message 3 hours, 41 minutes ago: mf2util isn't considering your representative h-card because it's bundled with p-author -- see https://github.com/kylewm/mf2util/blob/master/mf2util.py#L91 -- who should patch? i want to get you in on the crawl :)

AngeloGladding !tell KevinMarks_ yours is failing because the mf2util has been instructed to ignore an h-card that's provided in a p-author context
AngeloGladding !tell KevinMarks_ i can submit a pull request for a change but I haven't researched on the wiki or asked kyle personally why he made the decision -- the cited docstring explicitly demonstrates the exclusionary approach
AngeloGladding brb
AngeloGladding added you to my crawl btw mblaney -- https://angelo.lahacker.net/people -- give it 30 to index
mblaney AngeloGladding: yes /irc-people is all manual entries, people are encouraged to add themselves which creates the links seen in the logs.

Loqi Caddy is an HTTP/2 web server, built for designers, bloggers and developers, with a simple configuration and automatic TLS https://indieweb.org/Caddy

AngeloGladding oops sorry
AngeloGladding i'm DOING IT LIVE
AngeloGladding *fixed*
AngeloGladding mblaney at this point i'm indexing the indiewebsites on that list, crawling to their rel=me's and storing all parsed mf2 objects into json and storing in a database
KevinMarks joined the channel
AngeloGladding now that i've added enough people i can reason about the various structures of mf2 implementations in the wild
AngeloGladding https://angelo.lahacker.net/people/9ExBDU/Malcolm-Blaney
AngeloGladding the first UL is a "table of contents" for the second UL with a full presentation of the mf2 found
AngeloGladding you just have an h-card
AngeloGladding simple
AngeloGladding click around to others and you see various nested hierarchies of h-card, h-entry, h-feed
AngeloGladding very few events..
AngeloGladding anyway.. once i've gotten a feel for what people are conveying and how i'll begin to add them to the various pages you see on the right -- event, location, ..
AngeloGladding i'd really like to see more XFN data so that the person page will link to other person pages and .. well .. now we've got a decentralized social network
AngeloGladding i'm getting 429 from youtube, 999 from linkedin and 404s from facebook
AngeloGladding i'm likely going to have to add API requests to the crawler
AngeloGladding not sure how far i'll be able to go but the indieweb will obviously possess no barriers
AngeloGladding so .. early days .. but big plans?
AngeloGladding :)
AngeloGladding yeah now that i've got the deploy automated and the various resources on the right added via remote git repos..
AngeloGladding i need to build out a staging env
AngeloGladding and a testing architecture..
AngeloGladding hmm..
AngeloGladding im just dumping the data obtained from mf2py at the moment
AngeloGladding you took the p-nickname out
AngeloGladding and never replaced :)
AngeloGladding and THAT'S why im starting out raw
AngeloGladding i'm findind errors in /everyone's/ implementations
AngeloGladding validate all the things
AngeloGladding !
AngeloGladding sorry....
AngeloGladding just restarted the crawl
AngeloGladding we'll see how long it takes
AngeloGladding is hitting everyone's home page once every 30 minutes wrong?
AngeloGladding i suppose i'll eventually implement cache awareness -- from the other end
AngeloGladding thnx
AngeloGladding now loqi goes silent
AngeloGladding :)
AngeloGladding rss feeds? i'd love to see all rss content implemented as h-entry
AngeloGladding what do you mean by PuSH hubs?
Loqi PubSubHubbub (PuSH) is a notification-based protocol for publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indieweb.org/PuSH

AngeloGladding oh the crawl is complete
rascul AngeloGladding maybe this? https://github.com/snarfed/granary

AngeloGladding oh nice
AngeloGladding ok
AngeloGladding so its kind of like webmention
AngeloGladding but more general
AngeloGladding that's perfect
rascul i just found it from https://indieweb.org/rss

AngeloGladding how does granary differ from brid.gy?
AngeloGladding i'm aware that these sites are available but as i believe aaron mentioned last HWC -- "the goal of brid.gy is to become obsolete"
AngeloGladding do either of you remember technorati?
AngeloGladding pretty sure brid.gy and granary are in the same boat.. middle-man services to facilitate indieweb sites while they independently build out similar features
AngeloGladding technorati indexed blogs
AngeloGladding made the blogosphere searchable
AngeloGladding i'd like my canopy project to decentralize that
AngeloGladding personal crawler indexes everything you care about
AngeloGladding early days....
AngeloGladding but i know there's a plethora of technologies to leverage
AngeloGladding PuSH is great to know
AngeloGladding hard to go head to head with the giants
loicm_ joined the channel
AngeloGladding but i see this as a unique opportunity to carve out a niche search space
AngeloGladding to experiment with a lively developer community
AngeloGladding interestingly enough.. snarfed of brid.gy and granary was not on the active wiki users list
AngeloGladding so much to read and learn
AngeloGladding k now i see how that works
AngeloGladding good to know
AngeloGladding i'll expand the list aggressively w/ the irc-people list you gave me earlier sknebel
AngeloGladding check this out
AngeloGladding i don't have it complete yet
AngeloGladding but the indieauth on my page
AngeloGladding will do essentially the same thing that i'm doing manually
AngeloGladding ah, yes
AngeloGladding mblaney++ for likely doubling my crawl size
AngeloGladding see now loqi's there for the sweet sweet karma
AngeloGladding anyway..
AngeloGladding when i add someone it is as if i am following them
AngeloGladding when they log in to my site it is as if they are following me
AngeloGladding reciprocation puts the status into rel=acquaintence/friend
AngeloGladding either way the graph is built out
AngeloGladding thanks for that :)
AngeloGladding i'm going to be incorporating my soccer mates into that list
AngeloGladding none of which have a personal website
AngeloGladding i'll see what kind of exposure they feel comfortable with
AngeloGladding the graph will expand into convergent territory w/ walled gardens
AngeloGladding because everyone is directly related to me i should be able to extract their info from fb, linkedin, et al w/o violating tos or rate limits
AngeloGladding ...amiright?
AngeloGladding lol.. on second thought "get a lawyer"
AngeloGladding yeah they won't notice until other people begin to use my platform
AngeloGladding so i'll be defensive in leveraging walled data
AngeloGladding stick to the indieweb for now
AngeloGladding as long as i can
AngeloGladding so what site are you at sknebel?
AngeloGladding ah, ok. i had you confused w/ mblaney
AngeloGladding let me add you
AngeloGladding what language are you using?
AngeloGladding is that a temporary thing?
AngeloGladding so i'm limiting my crawl to pages that have a http://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
AngeloGladding to keep the list clean
AngeloGladding so i've been damn near harassing people to clean up their semantics
AngeloGladding which again i'm surprised isn't more fiercely enforced.. i think thats with good reason though
AngeloGladding standards should reflect the user and not be forced upon them
AngeloGladding nice
AngeloGladding so check this out
AngeloGladding i've been going back and forth a bit with KevinMarks with regards to his repr h-card
AngeloGladding the python lib i'm using is mf2util
AngeloGladding if takes a parsed tree from mf2py and can extract the "representative" h-card
AngeloGladding it wasn't working for kevin
AngeloGladding so i dug deep and found that for whatever reason mf2util is explicitly refusing to acknowledge an h-card found in the same context as p-author
AngeloGladding which yours does
AngeloGladding you're #2
AngeloGladding so i need to get to the bottom of that
AngeloGladding find out why kyle has chosen to do that
AngeloGladding yeah you can definitely do w/o that
AngeloGladding keep the /posts/.../...
AngeloGladding but link from your /
AngeloGladding yup
AngeloGladding yeah again i think the library i'm using is buggy
AngeloGladding but the docstring explicitly discusses *not* accepting an h-card next to a p-author
AngeloGladding so i've got to see what kyle was thinking before i offer a pull request, etc..
AngeloGladding so leave your code as it is for now
AngeloGladding unless...
AngeloGladding you want to try to route around the problme
AngeloGladding have you ever heard of http://microformats.org/wiki/include
AngeloGladding i'm not even sure if my parser is aware of such.. i could contrive the case and test it out or you could try it on your end
AngeloGladding so yeah
AngeloGladding i'm doing a lot of chatting
AngeloGladding but i'm just about to start investigating others' semantic hierarchies
AngeloGladding people are definitely nesting this way and that
AngeloGladding but the mf2util is finding their reprs just fine
AngeloGladding i have not.. kevinmarks didn't immediately understand the problem
AngeloGladding i'm sure this is edge case territory
AngeloGladding it may be documented in wiki
AngeloGladding but i'd really like to go to the source (kylewm) before i get lost in wiki/chat logs
AngeloGladding so i'll write your site down with pen and paper
AngeloGladding and let you know when i resolve it
AngeloGladding in the meantime work on getting your root set up
AngeloGladding because it really is the correct place for your repr
AngeloGladding and do something simple like rascul
AngeloGladding https://rascul.xyz
AngeloGladding hmm..
AngeloGladding the redirect is throwing off some basic logic
AngeloGladding my "crawler" is terribly naive
AngeloGladding i'm almost reluctant to investigate further because it just seems wrong
AngeloGladding <div style="display:none" class="h-card p-author">by <a class="u-url u-uid p-name" href="/">Sven Knebel</a></div>
AngeloGladding google would write the heuristics to make that valid
AngeloGladding i'm trying to err on the site of standards at this early stage
AngeloGladding think of my crawler as a validator..
AngeloGladding i could be wrong
sknebel all that says is that you can find me on http://www.svenknebel.de
AngeloGladding i see what you're doing
AngeloGladding and i want to make it work
AngeloGladding but frankly i'll have to reraise this conversation with the others and see if it holds up
AngeloGladding on a side note -- semantics embedded within a "display:none;" is blasphemy
AngeloGladding :)
AngeloGladding and my mf2util is bonking on class="h-card p-author" anyway
AngeloGladding so you're like three strikes at this point
AngeloGladding lol
AngeloGladding so let me try to understand why you don't put up a page at your root
AngeloGladding yes.. be the crawler's acid test
AngeloGladding no that's what ChrisAldrich is for
AngeloGladding *he's got like 200 rel=me's*
AngeloGladding anyway..
AngeloGladding consider putting a straightforward repr h-card at your root
AngeloGladding and i'll ask tantek about your redirect issue
AngeloGladding and i'll ask kyle about the h-card w/ a p-author
AngeloGladding and i'll definitely get you on the crawl :)
AngeloGladding but for now
AngeloGladding i need to get some codering done
AngeloGladding is that german?
AngeloGladding :)
AngeloGladding or russian...
AngeloGladding or just generally offensive
AngeloGladding the sweet sweet python stuff
AngeloGladding https://github.com/angelogladding if you'd like to take a peak
AngeloGladding peek*
KevinMarks_ and mblaney joined the channel
rMdes, chrisaldrich_, ChrisAldrich and rMdes_ joined the channel
petermolnar !tell GWG this may interest you: http://wp-cli.org/restful/

tantek, kline and mindB joined the channel
tantek, singpolyma and KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:2016-230-facebook-99-notifications.png]]""

tantek for anyone that wants to add that to /Facebook or /notifications ^^^

cmal, tantek_, gRegorLove and mindB joined the channel
loicm_, miklb, bret, KevinMarks and AngeloGladding joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich Comments about webmention for #sciencecommunication http://boffosocko.com/2016/08/17/reply-to-something-the-nih-can-learn-from-nasa/ (twitter.com/_/status/765996009440759808)
voxpelli Quite happy with this solution, but it's probably very very much overkill: https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github/issues/4#issuecomment-240529329

voxpelli especially happy with the Peg.js grammar: https://github.com/voxpelli/node-fulfills/blob/master/condition-parser.pegjs :)

AngeloGladding joined the channel
aaronpk you can check here too https://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Frascul.xyz%2F

aaronpk look at all those newlines https://aaronparecki.com/uploads/Screen-Shot-2016-08-17-13-31-50.png

gRegorLove oh my!

gRegorLove p-name could also just go on that h3 I think

gRegorLove You want your name to appear "Ray Schulz rascul"?

gRegorLove nickname will still parse in the mf2, but yeah it will display as part of the name, like in comments.

gRegorLove I vote no. heh

gRegorLove But I've never done anything with schema

gRegorLove Yeah, I think Google uses some of it in search results.

gRegorLove I don't think Google uses mf2 yet. Did use mf1 before, not sure if they do anymore.

gRegorLove mf1 used to be in their recommendations iirc. Might still use it, but not be documented well.

@AaronGustafson @arnorb @patrickbjohnson Yeah, build issue. I’m gonna delete and re-publish once I sort out the issue (timeout checking webmentions). (twitter.com/_/status/766028976011767808)
@miklb @AaronGustafson @arnorb @patrickbjohnson is the timeout on checking for webmentions to cache? (twitter.com/_/status/766031435627106305)
@aaronpk @AaronGustafson @miklb If a tweak to webmention.io would help, I'm open to suggestions! (twitter.com/_/status/766032757080285184)
@AaronGustafson @aaronpk @miklb Pruning stale links from webmention.io would definitely reduce the lookups on our end, but… (twitter.com/_/status/766033134538416132)
miklb this is what the received cache looks like https://github.com/miklb/miklb.github.com/blob/jekyll/.cache/webmentions_received.yml

mindB joined the channel
mindB joined the channel
@AaronGustafson @miklb The we mention URL. So someone linkblogs a post of yours & webmention.io collects it. But when you try to pull it it 404s. (twitter.com/_/status/766037109979357184)
mindB2 joined the channel
@aaronpk @AaronGustafson @miklb Do you get data from the source that's not in the webmention.io response? I tried to include all data in the JSON. (twitter.com/_/status/766039838399209472)
@aaronpk @AaronGustafson oh interesting. Have you found data at some pages that webmention.io missed? Could file bugs on it for that. (twitter.com/_/status/766040673262809088)
bear it's working, the redirect from indieauth is going to https://indieauth.com/?error=invalid_state

gRegorLove joined the channel