#dev 2016-08-24
2016-08-24 UTC
AngeloGladding joined the channel
Loqi GWG: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 51 minutes ago: these things really shouldn't need to exist: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ssl-insecure-content-fixer/ :( - and it's actually _still_ needed

AngeloGladding and gRegorLove joined the channel
tantek !tell aaronpk looks like my "mention" of your post illustrated a copule of de-dupe opportunities https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/23/2/micropub-cr##Other+Mentions

AngeloGladding, rMdes and gRegorLove joined the channel
@levena_evenas @levena_evenas webmentionã«ã¯ï¼”ã¤ã®å®Ÿè£…ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‚“ã ã‘ã©ã“ã‚“ãªã‹ã ã¨ä¸€ç•ªrefbackãŒã‚ˆã•ãㆠ(twitter.com/_/status/768351457124900864)
@levena_evenas Webmention - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmention (twitter.com/_/status/768350688757714944)
cmal and tantek joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
tantek re: why 10k: https://a-k-apart.com/

singpolyma joined the channel
Loqi aaronpk: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 35 minutes ago: looks like my "mention" of your post illustrated a copule of de-dupe opportunities https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/23/2/micropub-cr##Other+Mentions

gRegorLove, KevinMarks and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
ChrisAldrich tantek: From earlier Wallabag is an open source version of services like Instapaper and Pocket. see also /read_later

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Wallabag" yet. Would you like to create it?

ChrisAldrich Wallabag is an open source version of bookmarking read it later services like Instapaper and Pocket.

ChrisAldrich Loqi?

ChrisAldrich Wallabag is an open source version of bookmarking read it later services like Instapaper and Pocket.

ChrisAldrich rascul: my email address (and more) is on www.boffosocko.com as well as my h-card re:keybase. Thanks in advance.

KevinMarks joined the channel
ChrisAldrich thanks rascul!

ChrisAldrich GWG: You've got all of the infrastructure for owning your bookmarks already!!

ChrisAldrich I think wallabag does the additional scraping to keep all the content within the page for reading later offline as well though.

ChrisAldrich I have that same itch and have been working on a bigger layout for a more indeweb-centric approach to all reading things...

KevinMarks joined the channel
ChrisAldrich Does anyone actually use the bookmark functionality on their site to actually come back to material to read it later? I get the impression that most people use it as a "decoration" of something they found interesting (and possibly shared) but may not have actually read it or have any intention to come back and read it.

ChrisAldrich I suspect most of us here probably do the first, but research indicates that Facebook users are predominantly of the second sort.

ChrisAldrich aaronpk, and what do you do after you've read your bookmarks? tag them as read? change the post-type?

ChrisAldrich GWG: do you want private bookmarks, public, or both?

ChrisAldrich I really like the general ux/ui of Mendeley.com and the sync with their desktop application for bookmarking and overall reading flow.

ChrisAldrich The problem is that it's built primarily with journal/research articles in mind (and that I don't OWN it).

ChrisAldrich rMdes, the desktop apps are nice to have, but most of their functionality is available through their web interface.

rMdes ChrisAldrich, thanks but in fact : http://imgur.com/KjOEYkR

ChrisAldrich fancy! I haven't looked at it a while, but they were also building mobile apps for it too.

KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
gRegorLove pokes Loqi for the wiki edit

AngeloGladding joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed re http://a-k-apart.com/ , it's interesting that they've clearly tried to minimize that site itself too, and its html is just 6.3K, but with css it's 28K total
snarfed rMdes: you're talking about https://a-k-apart.com/ ? doesn't look 200k to me. apart from html and css, only two images, and one 404s :P
snarfed also evidently the 10k limit is after gzipping (https://a-k-apart.com/faq#gzip), so maybe their site works with that
ChrisAldrich pgp

ChrisAldrich that was an odd window focus-change...

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
ChrisAldrich GWG are you live-streaming parts of NYC2?

gRegorLove Just noticed the logs bold those on /irc-people. Nice

gRegorLove gives Loqi the wiki edits

gRegorLove anytime

KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, doesntgolf, AngeloGladding, KevinMarks_ and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks_ Doesn't dev_appserver come with gae launcher?

KevinMarks_ I quite like the Mac app

KevinMarks_ All this dependency fetching

KevinMarks_ This is a lot of yak barbering to change a link colour

KevinMarks_ Now it says database is locked 🔒 p

KevinMarks_ I could send a pull request to bootstrap

KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:indiewebcamp-shirt-eu.jpg]]""

KevinMarks_ joined the channel
aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:indiewebcamp-sticker.png]]""

aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:indiewebcamp-die-cut-sticker.png]]""

aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:microformats-sticker.png]]""

aaronparecki.com uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:hello-my-url-is-shirt.jpg]]""