2016-08-25 UTC
ChrisAldrich, gRegorLove, tantek, KevinMarks, miklb, AngeloGladding, loicm and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
cmal joined the channel
ChrisAldrich and chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
singpolyma and tantek joined the channel
cmal joined the channel
cmal joined the channel
KevinMarks, KevinMarks__ and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
# 18:54 miklb bear quick question. I'm thinking about moving from Digital Ocean to Linode. Should I have any issues with a new SSL cert from LetsEncrypt?
# 18:57 cmal probably not, but I guess it's safer to export/import your account keys on your new letsencrypt setup
# 18:59 miklb cmal thanks. I'll research it a little more. Actually expires tomorrow. Not sure I can move server tonight.
# 19:02 tantek definitely take notes! that's a really good question
# 19:06 cmal miklb: I don't think it's forbidden to create a new certificate for the same domain (even with a different account) as long as the validation procedure goes fine
# 19:06 cmal (I think I did that once, but maybe my certificate had accidentally expired)
# 19:12 cmal ACME is the protocol Let's Encrypt and StartEncrypt (I don't recommend the latter) use for automatic validated creation/renewal of certificates
# 19:12 cmal there's many implementations in many languages to get certificates from Let's Encrypt, but the official implementation certbot requires root privileges to run
# 19:13 aaronpk I run it in certonly mode which does not require root
# 19:13 aaronpk because it's not editing config files or restarting my web server
# 19:13 cmal aaronpk: last time I tried setting up certbot I had trouble as an unprivileged user
# 19:14 cmal I was doing certonly but I don't remember exactly what was the problem
# 19:14 aaronpk my trick is that I have nginx serving the .well-known path so that it doesn't have to set up its own server or shut down the site while it's renewing
# 19:14 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Setting up HTTPS with Letsencrypt.org
# 19:19 cmal off-topic: is there a French-speaking Indieweb channel somewhere?
# 19:20 tantek cmal not that I know of, however xtof used to be around
# 19:22 cmal thanks for the answer, I'll be squatting on #indieweb-fr then, until some people feel like joining me ^^ (will add it on the French wiki)
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 20:20 bear miklb - did you get your answer from above? like cmal said, it shouldn't matter
# 20:20 bear I would just set it up on linode and generate a new one
AngeloGladding and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:13 miklb bear I did and thanks. I think I'm going to try and move my main site tonight anyway, so the cert is basically expired.
# 21:14 miklb Now to decide whether to stick with Debian proper or move to Ubuntu
# 21:14 bear during a server move under any kind of time pressure... the wrong time to switch distros
# 21:15 bear unless the switch improves (i.e. decreases) the pain - stick with what you know and switch later
# 21:16 bear I moved from one LTS of ubuntu to another in my server move and even that caused it to triple in time because of subtle changes to tools and dependencies
tantek and AngeloGladding joined the channel
gRegorLove and doesntgolf joined the channel
KevinMarks_, tantek_, KevinMarks, tantek and Loqi joined the channel
# 23:34 rascul wow my site generates in under a second now instead of 4 seconds now that i built a mechanism to copy things instead of generate them
# 23:35 rascul if i prefix a file or directory with _ then it's just copied with _ removed instead of going through and trying to parse it and stuff
# 23:35 rascul it's only 5 test posts but like 80 other files
# 23:54 rascul well 4 seconds isn't really right, more like 1-2 seconds, but it seems like it took forever
# 23:55 tantek rascul - indeed, anything >200ms is noticeable
# 23:56 bear anything that reduces the friction between writing and posting ... a win