2016-09-04 UTC
tantek, singpolyma, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 02:52 mblaney !tell snarfed strange, just reading logs from yesterday and I received webmentions from you on the 21st of August?
# 02:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:52 GWG mblaney: pfefferle suggested it was a problem with WP-Cron. Which I explored as well.
# 02:53 mblaney GWG: maybe intermittent then? the webmentions were for older posts.
# 02:54 GWG mblaney: He reported problems in April. 4.5 was released in April. Wondering if something in there changed it
KevinMarks, tantek and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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# 15:12 bear currently thinking of ways to get nginx (or anything really) to be able to trigger a webhook when it routes to certain locations of a static site
# 15:13 bear purpose is to allow for a load balanced (HA even) static site still be able to have a dynamic feel by calling webhooks for certain endpoints
# 15:16 bear first thought: nginx + lua; second thought custom flask app that is basically a map of location -> webhook
# 15:16 voxpelli bear: my thinking is to achieve that through client side javascripts that fetches the data from those endpoints
dmaczka joined the channel
# 15:17 bear yea, i'm trying to avoid anything client side
# 15:17 bear the context I didn't share above is that i'm noodling on a service to allow for pure static domains as a service for indieweb folks
# 15:17 voxpelli I considered it a progressive enhancement – as long as one can find the content somehow through curl it doesn't have to be as conventient as with js
# 15:18 bear you sign up, configure your domain and where to pull static files then my service does all the web stuff
# 15:18 voxpelli would fit well with my "dynamic stuff as a service" things that's geared towards static sites ;)
# 15:19 bear yea, your method would work for folks who are familiar with js - I'm trying to find a way that allows for jekyll style site creation to be deployable by folks with zero web knowledge
# 15:19 voxpelli my webmention service right now can list all mentions when linked to and enhance that link to get realtime embedded webmentions
# 15:20 voxpelli bear: I'm also targetting people with zero web knowledge, my js requires three lines to be added to a theme and eg. miklb is working a ready built theme with everything built in
# 15:20 bear and it is exactly that type of feature i'm trying to not disable with this static site service
# 15:21 bear yea, my goal is to allow zero web knowledge to take the output of miklb's stuff and "have a domain"
# 15:21 bear nginx config, lets encrypt, github commit triggers == all the backend stuff that we take for granted
# 15:23 voxpelli I've been thinking about making an automatic wizard that could set up a full Micropub + WebMention ready site on GitHub Pages if one just signs in with ones GitHub account, this would be similar to that
# 15:23 bear it could also end up being nothing but a long weekend coding activity that does nothing useful ;)
# 15:23 bear I am thinking about something like github but for people who don't want github (as easy as it is even)
# 15:24 voxpelli yeah, I'm targeting it initially as my micropub endpoint currently doesn't use raw git to commit stuff but rather GitHub's API
# 15:26 voxpelli would love a lets encrypt enabled alternative to GitHub Pages
# 15:26 bear yea, maybe i'll focus on the pure static part first - get the backend scripts working to enable a internet->nginx->static setup that creates the letsencrypt part for you
# 15:27 bear cool - i'll focus on that as a first step
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# 15:38 sknebel cweiske: why let's encrypt specifically? Or just something that supports HTTPS with custom domains out of the box?
# 15:42 voxpelli sknebel: not lets encrypt specifically but rather the new "lets-encrypt:ish" certificates that's becoming popular
# 15:43 voxpelli if one eg. is fluent in AWS, then their free https certs works just as well, and there are probably other ways to get a free good https cert also
# 15:44 voxpelli (imho GitHub Pages should prioritize supporting https for pages with custom domains as well)
# 15:46 voxpelli yeah, been looking at them, thinking of whether to move there or do get Cloudflare in front of my site
# 15:47 voxpelli kind of thinking of doing a tantek and dogfooding a bad host just to get experience with what an ordinary site owner experiences
# 15:49 bear well poo, netlify sounds like what I was aiming for :)
# 15:54 bear surge.sh (when I last looked at it) seemed very much geared towards the developer
cmal joined the channel
# 15:56 voxpelli though bothit and Netlify seems to mention "CLI" a bit too many times for any ordinary person to use
# 15:56 bear i'll chew on this still - interested in seeing if I can get a UX flow that goes from sign-up to static-site without having to ever touch a dev tool
# 15:56 voxpelli ideally it should be as easy to sign up for a page on such a service as it is to sign up for one on WordPress.com
# 15:56 Loqi bear has 163 karma (4 in this channel)
# 15:56 bear even if the UX limits the choices to those tools that can be driven by a server side environment
# 15:58 voxpelli pick a theme -> get a site with Micropub set up -> do all editing from Micropub? with eg. Jekyll one could also easily switch theme
# 15:58 bear first to get a flask app that has good solid auth and let's me create accounts (trying desparately to avoid the term "user")
# 15:58 bear yea, i'm definitely gearing towards a theme + micropub setup
# 15:58 voxpelli ah, the auth, that's where I'm still a bit stuck to get my Micropub up as a hosted service (and to extend my Webmeention service)
# 15:59 voxpelli bear: planning on doing your own Micropub or leveraging someone elses?
# 15:59 bear I wanted to use my python micropub libs to get them into a production environment
# 16:00 aaronpk after the conference i went to this week, and doing a bunch of research on OAuth 2 to finish writing my book, I'm planning on finding a way to describe IndieAuth better as a "profile" of OAuth 2 rather than as its own thing
# 16:00 bear but I can't see (right now) why it should be limited to just a single endpoint
# 16:00 voxpelli as long as an endpoint can read and write posts to a Jekyll, Hugo or such repo/file system then multiple could be supported
# 16:01 bear aaronpk - are you going to incorporate anything that Eran has worked on lately?
# 16:01 voxpelli a tricky partis handling auth against other services – signing up for an account at one of the sites and getting automatically signed up for services on some others
# 16:02 aaronpk bear: not planning on changing much of the functional part of indieauth, just changing how it's described
# 16:03 bear k - just wondering if you were contemplating diving into his new stuff yet
thebaer joined the channel
# 16:04 aaronpk nah there's a lot of interesting work still being done in the OAuth group that has more of a chance of actually getting deployed
# 16:05 aaronpk (a lot of silly complicated work too but that's a different story)
# 16:05 bear I look forward to you wading thru the complicated stuff and giving us normal devs a roadmap
# 16:07 aaronpk the two things i'm most excited about right now are the PKCE extension which essentially plugs the security hole in the redirect for native apps or other things where you can't rely on the security of the redirect URI, and the device flow for CLI clients or other clients that don't have web browsers
# 16:09 bear the device flow I would love to help test :)
# 16:10 aaronpk i actually wrote a proxy server that can enable a device flow for any existing OAuth server. I was using it to log in to my github account on an appletv app.
# 16:11 bear yes! that is what i'm talking about :)
# 16:12 bear is getting better at reading php code because of aaronpk's samples
# 16:12 aaronpk i was meaning to do a blog post about that whole thing but never got around to it
# 16:14 bear sounds like this book will be one big offline blog post about it
# 16:16 bear wow - how did you get oauth.com domain
# 16:16 aaronpk at the same time I got oauth.net (and .org and .info)
# 16:16 bear ah - when he shed all things oauth ... nice
# 16:17 bear that was a great talk he did about leaving oauth behind :)
# 16:18 aaronpk indeed :) that's also where i got my favorite oauth shirt. the oauth cat getting run over.
# 16:18 bear where you at the realtime conference?
# 16:19 bear oh my - never knew that - could have said hi
# 16:19 bear err, I could have said hi to you that is
# 16:19 aaronpk i remember running into you at one of them, but not sure which
# 16:20 bear so many people that I had some serious fan-boy moments with
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# 19:15 KevinMarks realises he hasn't read all the scrollback and you did indeed see them
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# 20:33 ben_thatmustbeme if i correct the link locally, it continues fine, but then i get error=invalid_request&error_description=The+%27redirect_uri%27+parameter+did+not+match
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# 22:26 ben_thatmustbeme Ick. That's unfortunate. That may scrap any hope of having the framework do the login at all
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# 23:20 aaronpk The framework needs to not rely on fragment URLs in order to support any OAuth service
# 23:22 tantek hey GWG since you were talking code and webmentions, continuing conversation here
# 23:23 tantek that's how I call do link discovery without repeating myself with scanning HEAD or BODY
# 23:30 tantek and per GWG's recent questions re: how to do webmention/pingback discovery without repeating himself, I figured it was easiest to share the code with how I do so
# 23:30 tantek since I think it should be fairly drop-in re-usable
# 23:32 tantek that's how I call the existing functions in the library
# 23:32 tantek since the link rel parser is generic for any link rel values
# 23:33 GWG tantek: I have to use WordPress functions though.
# 23:33 tantek GWG, sure, use the equivalent wordpress functions. point is - the logic is in the code I shared
# 23:33 tantek drop in whatever wordpress equivalent functions you need to
# 23:36 aaronpk hm I will have to take a look. I suspect I will have to add tests for it :-)
# 23:44 tantek aaronpk re: tests, FWIW that's the code I used with Falcon to pass the webmention discovery tests
# 23:54 aaronpk cool. well the tests will mostly be there to make sure the functionality doesn't change in the future