cweiskewhile thinking about the open-local-webserver-to-receive-indieauth-response idea I saw that this will only work for local installations, not when my micropub client is used via ssh on a server
aaronpkcweiske: the OAuth 2 "device flow" is what you want for command line micropub authorization. Ideally the auth server would support that extension natively but you can also set up a proxy server for any authorization endpoint yourself.
aaronpkwell in that flow, the first thing the client does is request a device code by making a POST to the authorization endpoint. so if that fails, it would know it's not supported
voxpellicweiske: only way to get someone to support it is to break the status quo and be the one taking the first step to a better future – it's no one elses responsibility anymore than it is ones own :)
voxpellicweiske: you could try opening an issue for aaronpk on his IndieAuth project – but if you actually made a client for the protocol the chances are highe rthe issue will get fixed and if you even give aaronpk a PR that implements the fix the chances get pretty high
voxpelliaaronpk: sure, but the spec don't need a change, so the only thing needed is an endpoint supporting the device flow and is a major such endpoint :)
aaronpkGWG: yes although you don't get a lot of useful data out of it in that case. also i suspect not many implementations use webmentions for non microformat things right now
GWGvoxpelli: The issue is back to WordPress...php-mf2 uses namespaces, which aren't supported for minimum requirements. I could backport the library by giving it a prefix and removing the namespace, but I think I need a fallback as well.
voxpelliGWG: for WP I think Open Graph support as a first step could actually be a good way to rally support for Webmentions as eg. even Apple is starting to support it in iMessage now in iOS 10 so really all major companies are supporting it
voxpelliI wonder if WP supports publishing Open Graph data out of the box? If then that could be pretty neat as a first step – not as good as mf2, but something that would instantly work with a lot of sites
ZegnatIf you look at WordPress installation statistics you see there is still plenty reason for them not to switch to namespaces. Which is a real shame
miklb/me tosses out that he and another person are trying to reboot Habari development, so if you are a php dev looking to help craft an IndieWeb personal publishing platform not stuck on legacy code, come join us ;-)
KevinMarksWell, fb will pick the biggest image on the page by default, so you put ogp in to stop it doing that, and end up with every page showing the logo
voxpellicweiske: well, implement then document and as aaronpk pointed out one could always try the device flow first and fallback to ordinary flow of one prefers the device flow