#dev 2016-09-10
2016-09-10 UTC
miklb, ChrisAldrich, tantek, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# Trackbacks, pingbacks y webmentions https://neliosoftware.com/es/blog/trackbacks-pingbacks-y-webmentions/ ( twitter.com/_/status/774497621998264325)
AngeloGladding, ben_thatmustbeme, KevinMarks, plindner, sknebel, tommorris, myfreeweb, bnvk_, GWG, aaronpk, rascul, bret, tonious, Zegnat, bear, miklb, kants, kline, petermolnar, j4y_funabashi, voxpelli, rhiaro, tantek, cmal, cweiske, KevinMarks_, ChrisAldrich, chrisaldrich1, chrisaldrich_ and doesntgolf joined the channel