#ZegnatKevinMarks: I do not want to replicate my hcard. Took the tantek route of using rel="author", and I think I used it right. But implementation seems iffy at this point.
loicm joined the channel
#KevinMarksYou don't need to replicate it, you have all the bits there save a photo
#KevinMarksIf you put p-author h-card on the link instead of u-author you'd get name and url
#aaronpkdefinitely let me know if you think any additional tests would be helpful
#barryfNice. 100 and 101 pass, but 102 failed. I'll go and fix my numeric array offsets :)
#barryfAlso, I first failed to read the fields correctly and added my URL rather than Micropub endpoint. May be good to have a way of editing/deleting endpoints.
#bearI would change the checkbox to read something like "Now check that the Post has both categories"
#bearthe current wording implied that it would be verified by something, just now clear on who
#bearhmm, test 102 doesn't change the slug/title enough to cause a new post so it "passes" only because my code detects it's the same url and doesn't do a new create but rather an update
#aaronpki may need to double check i'm encoding everything right
#aaronpki'm doing a somewhat crazy thing which is the text on the test page is actually what is sent to your endpoint. you browser extracts it and tells the server to go post it to your endpoint.
#aaronpkapparently php is more forgiving of things like that
#bearmy list of items to look for comes from an old copy of the micropub spec, so I need to get it refreshed or realize that now any item can appear and make it more flexible
#bearthat's why it's important to test with multiple implementations in different languages
#aaronpki went with the approach of "store everything" and sort it out when displaying it
#bearyea, I filter everything and pass only known good on to the backend
#bearso if it's not in my whitelist the post creation code never sees it
#beartrue, this one should have been "web dev inspired spec madness"
#bearbut that's the world I live in now - i'm adjusting (and consuming more beer)
#bearsection 3.3.5 is really targeting proxies or other intermediate agents - they should always store everything even if only acting on a small fraction of it
#bearbecause they don't know what the up/down stream handlers will want/need
#gregorlove.comedited /Instagram (-9) "/* Tweet text to Instagram */ updated instagram image URL, used photosrcalt template" (view diff)
#gRegorLovetantek: Think we should leave latest 3 months on /Events#Recent instead of 6? Or maybe just move them directly to /events/2016 and link to that from the #Recent subheading?
#tantekI vaguely remember keeping latest 6 so that the IndieWebSummit for a given year would show up in the list of past events for that year during that year
#tantekbut that's not particularly strong reasoning