2016-10-04 UTC
# 00:17 sknebel but that reminds me: do people post drafts via micropub? if yes, how do they deal with that?
# 00:18 aaronpk I want to be able to do that, but haven't figured out a workflow yet
# 00:18 sknebel mp-published=false ? (would have been my first intuition)
# 00:19 aaronpk wordpress has that published state dropdown right?
# 00:20 Loqi A draft in the context of the indieweb refers to a draft post, a post that an author has partially written, or otherwise does not consider finished https://indieweb.org/draft
# 00:20 sknebel says that the api has status - sets the post status ("draft" or "publish"), default is "draft"
# 00:22 aaronpk oh you know what, i already went through this exercise
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
# 00:29 sknebel so you don't think that's something the micropub spec should cover explicitly?
# 00:30 aaronpk it probably should, but haven't thought that far through it yet. i also would rather try something out before writing it into the spec.
# 00:38 KartikPrabhu doesn't mp-published conflict (at least in part name) with the mf2 published ?
# 00:39 KartikPrabhu why not mp-draft = true, that way by default it could be assumed to be false
tantek joined the channel
# 00:46 aaronpk i was leaning more towards just "status" rather than "draft" or "published" being true or false
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 01:06 tantek did atompub have any prior art there? or metaweblog api?
# 01:25 bear metaweblog api has a post-type_status field: draft, private, publish or pending
# 01:50 KartikPrabhu I like mp-status = draft/private . I don't understand what "pending" means. "publish" would just be default I guess
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:02 bear I could see pending being used for a vouched item or a mp-post that was not from the owner of the site
# 02:07 KartikPrabhu i guess one would also need a way to retrieve a draft post for further editing in a micropub client
# 02:11 KevinMarks Pending might also be what you return after accepting a post but while the site is rebuilding?
# 02:20 bear I could see that happening for a site that is a micropub proxy, but not sure how that would work with say my own site - that is what 202 and publish means IMO
# 02:20 bear this all means that pending shouldn't be in the list until someone comes up with an implementation that requires it
# 02:21 bear and like all other things micropub, if it's not in the spec then implemenations should ignore but store
# 02:32 aaronpk I guess pending would be for clients I don't quite trust and want to manually approve each post they create
# 02:32 aaronpk im thinking automatic sources like my Withings scale or sleep import
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and tantek joined the channel
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# 05:27 ChrisAldrich !tell tantek Thanks for the checklist example, I've got a personal separate list, but should put up a public facing one for AngeloGladding and others to help out
# 05:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cweiske and mpfefferle joined the channel
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# 13:49 GWG !tell pfefferle Sent you a PR. Curious if it works in your opinion.
# 13:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:25 pfefferle GWG thanks! will merge it in a branch to finish it completely without breaking the master... and please use an editor that shows indents! ;)
# 14:25 Loqi pfefferle: GWG left you a message 35 minutes ago: Sent you a PR. Curious if it works in your opinion.
KartikPrabhu, tantek and singpolyma joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
# 16:31 cweiske aaronpk, micropub.rocks: "The link you followed is invalid or has expired. Please try again."
# 16:32 aaronpk did it really take 30 minutes to arrive? i can increase the timeout
# 16:32 cweiske my email server has a quarantine time of ~15 minutes for new connections
# 16:32 cweiske and I was away emptying the dishwasher and talking to people
tantek joined the channel
# 16:34 cweiske I can add new endpoints without filling in any data
# 16:35 aaronpk yeah it lets you add more than one endpoint to test
# 16:38 cweiske manual endpoint adding because micropub.rocks doesn't act as client yet?
# 16:38 aaronpk well no, it's a client, but it doesn't support discovery/auth yet
# 16:39 aaronpk I also wanted to make sure it lets people test with servers that don't necessarily support indieauth
KartikPrabhu and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 18:15 GWG !tell pfefferle My vim config auto-indents now. I'm not sure why you keep finding issues. I set everything to try and overcome my issues.
# 18:15 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 18:31 cweiske aaronpk, I basically cannot use micropub.rocks server tests right now because commentpara.de only supports replies/likes/bookmarks but no "normal" posts
marcthiele, tantek, coopey and AngeloGladding joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, ChrisAldrich and tantek joined the channel
singpolyma, tantek, AngeloGladding and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 23:34 gRegorLove The superfeedr custom hubs have http and https versions, but the instructions on the page say to ping the https versions. I guess they're handling it if I ping either one, though?