#dev 2016-10-07

2016-10-07 UTC
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, kylewm, tantek, chrisaldrich1 and chrisaldrich_ joined the channel
!tell GWG I think we have to re-arrange some parts... I don't think a filter should create or update DB entries... I refactored the code a bit and will commit a new version later today... I am curious about your opinion...
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks and plindner joined the channel
pfefferle: Problem is my fault again.
GWG: pfefferle left you a message 2 hours, 59 minutes ago: I think we have to re-arrange some parts... I don't think a filter should create or update DB entries... I refactored the code a bit and will commit a new version later today... I am curious about your opinion...
!tell pfefferle I couldn't figure out how to do that with an action hook and get a return value.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell pfefferle There are other ways to hook on handlers. objects, etc.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
singpolyma joined the channel
https://indieauth.com - Sign in with your domain name (using the rel-me-auth https://t.co/02BTaz9DkL protocol.
voxpelli, kapowaz, ChrisAldrich, KevinMarks, tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
edited /homepage (+53) "/* Stream of Updates */"
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AngeloGladding, rascul, tantek, voxpelli, bret, ChrisAldrich, sknebel, kapowaz, Loqi, bear, KartikPrabhu, plindner, petermolnar, kline, tommorris, kants_, rhiaro_, bnvk, GWG, myfreeweb, ben_thatmustbeme, aaronpk_, singpolyma and KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek, bret, kapowaz and tommorris joined the channel
edited /events/2016-10-19-homebrew-website-club (+17) "this HWC SF moved to 10/26"
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edited /Events (+22) "next HWC San Francisco (moved to 2016-10-26)"
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edited /Events (+16) "move past Oct events to recent"
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kapowaz and tommorris joined the channel
edited /Events (+573) "moving next HWC SF forward a week"
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ChrisAldrich joined the channel
created /events/2016-10-26-homebrew-website-club (+3796) "new one-off page for HWC SF moved forward one week"
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edited /events/2016-10-19-homebrew-website-club () "(-579) SF moved to - link to the page for the week after"
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chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
!tell Zegnat: btw, did you look into why android firefox didn't like to install your extension without tricks?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek, kapowaz and tommorris joined the channel