2016-11-04 UTC
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, KevinMarks__, miklb and gRegorLove joined the channel
miklb, KevinMarks, GWG, KevinMarks_, loicm_, tantek and cweiske joined the channel
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# 14:14 voxpelli huh, looks like my endpoint has got stuck in an infinite loop of fetching one post each from aaronpk and kylewm
# 14:15 voxpelli and I'm very happy I have a rate limited fetching system in place ;)
# 14:17 voxpelli so – regarding the possibility of two posts mentioning each other and causing an infinite Salmentioning thing? it's real
KartikPrabhu and miklb joined the channel
# 14:39 voxpelli I thought I had protections as well, I know I at least have it in the data presentation layer
# 14:41 voxpelli oh: // TODO: Check if updated prior to _notify(), _ping() and maybe _fetchComments() – else we may get stuck in an inf-loop of pinging!
# 14:42 aaronpk too bad the computer can't figure out what you mean and just do it itself
# 14:45 Loqi [Kyle Mahan] Bridging the IndieWeb Generation Gap
# 14:46 voxpelli so aaronpk's post contains a comment that is actually his own comment
# 14:47 aaronpk er rather, one of kyle's comments appears as a mention on my reply
# 14:48 aaronpk (mention = page has a link but is not in-reply-to, etc)
# 14:48 cweiske you should only show pages that have the link inside their content
# 14:49 ben_thatmustbeme huh... if a post replied to itself, i think that might actually break a lot of things for me
# 14:49 ben_thatmustbeme i wouldn't get in to an issue parsing it, but i might hit an infinite loop trying to display it
# 14:49 aaronpk i would ignore mentions where my URL is in a child object
# 14:50 voxpelli anyone implements a diffing algorithm to know if a mention has actually changed since last seen?
# 14:51 cweiske my search engine uses e-tag, last-modified and a hash on the content as fallback
# 14:52 aaronpk oh wait maybe not. i was thinking of my hub that does.
# 14:52 aaronpk my hub won't redeliver a notification unless a hash of the content changed
# 14:55 voxpelli thinking that eg. a relative timestamp like`This post was written 3 hours, 2 minutes and 32 seconds` would severly break that
# 14:55 aaronpk Switchboard doesn't use the hash to decide whether to send, just to decide whether *not* to send
# 14:55 voxpelli so I think I will do a diff of some more stable parameters and rather miss the mark on some minor details that I don't really care that much about
# 14:55 voxpelli hmm, e-tag and last-modified, yeah, that would be a good idea
# 14:55 cweiske instead of hashing the whole http response body, one could extract e-content and has that only
# 14:56 voxpelli diffing to avoid infinite loop should probably rather accidentally break too much than too little
# 14:56 aaronpk yeah if the page has mf2 i would recommend hashing the whole parsed json
# 14:57 voxpelli implied name would make it hard to hash the entire parsed json I think
# 14:57 voxpelli "use the textContent of the .h-x for name" -> textContent contains relative date -> boom
# 14:58 voxpelli that someone has a relative date within an h-entry that has no explicit p-name set on it?
# 14:58 aaronpk if your implied name contains a relative date then you're doing it wrong and you should fix your markup
# 14:58 voxpelli well, I can't fix someone elses infinitely looping markup ;)
# 14:59 voxpelli is it possible to know if a p-name was implied or not?
# 15:02 voxpelli oh, just realized that diffing isn't enough for Salmentions, there just needs to be an explicit loop detection so that a single ping can never result in a post getting fetched more than once
# 15:03 voxpelli as Salmention often means that one of the comments has been modified
# 15:03 voxpelli and that's the chain I'm currently in need of breaking, because it has probably for a while now tried to find the end of the tree that a ping caused it to start traversing
# 15:19 aaronpk i saw there was a spam blog that is using all 3 superfeedr, phubb and switchboard!
# 15:22 cweiske i'll need to head of to my train soonish and can't check now
# 15:22 aaronpk no problem, just wanted something else to test this with
# 15:22 aaronpk i'm basically building a tool like push-tester into pubsub.rocks now
# 15:26 aaronpk whoa someone tried to publish a youtube xml file via switchboard
# 15:26 cweiske and there is bettsykitchen that I'll blacklist,t oo
# 15:28 aaronpk we must have gotten added to some wordpress plugin
# 15:30 cweiske .. and before you know you're part of the critical internet infrastructure
# 15:41 voxpelli To really truly avoid infinite Salmentioning one void have to diff the entire mentions tree after one has traversed it fully to check if something has happened in it I think
# 15:42 voxpelli thinks about digging out his old "I have crawled your entire identitity graph so now I can ping you and you you about it"-script
tantek joined the channel
gRegorLove and tantek joined the channel
# 17:34 GWG I still think that the Webmentions plugin needs to be better if it would ever be considered for Core.
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# 17:44 tantek GWG, can we evaluate what "better" means with a Webmention implementation report of what it currently supports?
# 17:50 miklb as someone who builds stuff with WP, I'm not sure it should be a core feature, just a kick ass plugin
# 17:51 aaronpk especially since there are plenty of wordpress sites that don't even have blog posts on them, much less want to show comments
# 17:52 miklb but I've always been an advocate for lean and mean with robust plugin api
# 17:54 GWG I still think even as a plugin, needs work
# 17:55 miklb I don't doubt that. I think if the goal is just be the best plugin it can be, then that helps define goals.
# 17:57 GWG That is why I keep coming back to it
# 17:59 tantek I would add Vouch support as a pre-requisite for Core
# 17:59 tantek It has to have a decent (like sizable) security/anti-spam advantage over Pingback
# 18:00 tantek especially for wider deployment in WordPress, as that alone would likely tip it into become a spam target
# 18:00 gRegorLove aaronpk: Did my mention show up on that post when you're logged in?
# 18:01 gRegorLove It was an aggressive cache issue. It processed the bearer token correctly, but then still delivered the please authenticate message.
# 18:13 aaronpk voxpelli: doesn't webmention.herokuapp actually reject webmentions where the source URL isn't found?
# 18:18 voxpelli aaronpk: absolutely, I still need to check that implementation report
# 18:28 GWG tantek, no one has seriously looked at Vouch for WordPress yet.
# 18:28 aaronpk luckily receiving vouches is pretty straightforward
# 18:32 GWG aaronpk, I wouldn't want receive without send. It seems wrong
# 18:33 miklb I've been busy with work, but just upgraded my laptop so should be able to get more done in general. Hoping to do a little over the weekend.
# 18:34 GWG aaronpk, there is a hook for sending. Not sure how to separate out receiving
# 18:36 GWG So it could be a separate plugin instead of built in.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 19:53 voxpelli yikes, I found +30k queued up lookups against kylevm's site
# 19:53 voxpelli no wonder my fixes didn't have any effect – at the rate it were doing lookups it would have taken around 3 weeks before the queue had been fully processed
KevinMarks joined the channel
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# 21:18 KevinMarks Thanks for fixing that - I wasn't sure about some of the error check parts
# 21:26 voxpelli KevinMarks: nope, I had a lovely infinite loop within a comment circle that apparently has done 30k iterations around itself :)
# 21:27 voxpelli So they all reference the same post, now ensure I never queue up more than one + never iterate over a circle more than once
# 21:27 voxpelli (As a Salmention receiver I fetch the full comment trees nowadays)
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