#dev 2016-11-24

2016-11-24 UTC
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, miklb_, miklb, tantek, cweiske and loicm joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /User:Vanderven.se_martijn (+1115) "Update the event list, and some minor website news."
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loicm and loicm_ joined the channel
Is anyone doing micropub-without-oauth?
Zegnat: what do you mean? Micropub protocol, but with e.g. preshared fixed tokens?
that would be an example, sknebel, yes
I need to rewrite my editor to work with the new routing I implemented for my site, and just want to go straight for micropub now.
But I do not want to bother with setting up OAuth just yey
I haven't heard anybody using that, but should be fairly straight forward to stub out the authentication checks to simpler ones (most people seem to start by using an external editor, delegating auth to indieauth/tokens.indieauth and then you have the basic frame for oauth already in your endpoint)
Yeah, my use-case is the opposite. I created an editor, and now I want to keep using it with my site, just switch the protocol to micropub
It’ll have to be an after-lunch-problem. I was just hoping there was some prior art floating around. (OAuth is a SHOULD, not a MUST, in the spec.)
I don't think so, but after auth everything uses the token header, so you can just plug tokens with your own meaning in for now
and ignore the auth stage for now
mblaney joined the channel
Zegnat I wonder if you could use private webmentions rather than OAuth to provide the access token?
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /events/2016-11-30-homebrew-website-club (+445) "Let’s get this thing going!"
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edited /events/2016-11-30-homebrew-website-club (+13) "/* Amsterdam (Schiphol) */ RSVP'ed myself"
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plindner and TheGillies joined the channel
Trackbacks vs Pingbacks vs Webmentions for WordPress https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/?p=153678 #wpmudev
petermolnar joined the channel
I'm pretty sure aaronpk uses shared tokens for his watch micropub client
Zegnat - I did that for quite a while until I got my cli tool to grok indieauth -- I generated manually a long lived token in my system and put that into a config file
cweiske joined the channel
tantek, j4y_funabashi and loicm_ joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel