#petermolnarhah, the current time.h is from 91, and of course, since it's a linux re-implementation, https://linux.die.net/include/time.h; do direct copyright notes, only FSF, shall I assume Linus himself?
#j4y_funabashiThink it is time for me to delve into learning javascript, I havent really looked at any frontend stuff for a long time and it looks like you can do some pretty amazing things these days
#cweiskestill tries not to use javascript whenever possible
#petermolnarj4y_funabashi don't. the JS ecosystem is turtles.
#petermolnarj4y_funabashi I used to use endless scrolling: if it's automated ( based on scroll position ), it usually renders footers useless and while it's cool, in my opinion, it's more annoying than useful :)
#petermolnarand yes, I meant that JS dependencies are endless pits
#sknebelpetermolnar: you relly want to look at extra libs for timestamps in python :/ I use https://github.com/boxed/iso8601 for iso-timestamp parsing and pytz for timezones (read the docs!) and dateutils for more free-formatted parsing...
#sknebelpendulum and arrow are 2 other, more all-in-one libs you might want to look at
#petermolnarsknebel I'm using that, also tried dateutils
#petermolnarto actually print utc epoch, you need calendar.timegm
#aaronpktrying to remember if i've written this anywhere
#ben_thatmustbemei feel like its probably a security issue to just accept whatever is returned from the auth endpoint
#aaronpki think the conclusion we came to before is you should use whatever comes back from the auth endpoint as long as it's on the same domain as what was entered
#petermolnaroh, wow, I generated all the shortcode and old slug redirects into a single nginx conf, 129k and 1900 lines o.O
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: i was thinking that might be okay, but would probably add the requirement of checking that the auth endpoint is still the same on the new URL
#miklb__ben_thatmustbeme unfortunately they don't show up for me. I tested in a browser I've never logged in with just to be sure. I don't have my endpoint code handy, but pretty sure it should it's correct, as it works in Quill.
#ben_thatmustbemei tried to test your endpoint to see what its returning exactly
#miklb__not seeing it in Safari Inspector. I am seeing Error: Error connecting to InkStone Server : The string did not match the expected pattern. micropub.js 184
#ben_thatmustbemethis is the problem of not having a central anything for this app. I tried to make it so anyone could deploy it with extremly little effort, anywhere
#miklb__unfortunately that's not what I see. I'll move that repo to this machine tonight so I can look at the logs of the endpoint to see if anything there can be of help
#miklb__voxpelli seems sends as application/x-www-form-urlencoded but should be application/json
#miklb__mybe you've fixed that in recent updates and I'm still using old code
#voxpelliI haven't updated in quite a while either I think :/
#ben_thatmustbemevoxpelli: its not that its responding with the wrong type, but just a non-expected type. queries to the micropub endpoint for syndication-to is responding with form-encoded data, not JSON data, micropub spec only allows for JSON
#voxpelliHistorically form-encoded was the default and application/json was needed to get a JSON response, but I see that has changed so that onlye JSON is allowed now