miklbben_thatmustbeme didn't pass the syndicate-to. I think because you send `mp-syndicate-to`and Quill uses `syndicate-to` I'll have to ask voxpelli tomorrow about that.
schmartylatest micropub spec shows that "actions" like syndication should start with mp- because they are actions for the micropub endpoint rather than properties of the content
miklbwith help from voxpelli I hacked in the syndicate-to for his micropub-markdown-github-jekyll microservice. I'm slowly working my away from jekyll for unrelated reasons.
schmartyi should probably be taking more inspiration from voxpelli's work. my mp endpoint also saves to a jekyll site and uses a git push hook for publishing.
miklbI have some crazy stuff going on in my Rakefile and using Travis CI. I feel like it has gotten unwieldy and am ready to build something to fill my needs. Build as in build on top of a project I've been associated with for a long time
Zegnat!tell miklb I have noticed you talking about Habari. I have used it once for a website, but it doesn't look like it has ever been updated since then. Is it still alive and kicking?
miklbright just myself and one other project member. He's doing the heavy lifting currently. Though there has been one other user open pull requests on updating the admin code
miklbit's very much a clean interface just meant for creating content. It's extensible enough to build onto, but we always meant it to be a blogging/content creation tool 1st
Loqiprivate posts refer to posts or portions of posts which are private to either the author or to a limited audience chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/private_post
miklbQuill still uses `syndiate-to` so I'm guessing that was in previous iterations of micropub and how voxpelli wrote it. I haven't looked at the code yet though
LoqiBlock is a feature on many silos that provides the ability for one user to "block" or prevent interactions from another user https://indieweb.org/block