#dev 2016-12-17

2016-12-17 UTC
chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
https://booklaunch.io/llwroberts/thedoor - The Door is free. #IARTG #Kindleebooks #mustread #readers #Kindletouch #indieauth #IAN1pic.twitter.com/8LCenVAYrJ
I made a lot of progress last night
edited /events/2016-12-28-homebrew-website-club (-149) "HWC SF venue confirmed @MozSF, SF confirmed, RSVP self for SF"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (-137) "just HWC Nürnberg next week!"
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KartikPrabhu, tantek, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, loicm_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
@tomekmusic Pas de date. Et de toute manière, les rétroliens (webmentions) arriveront en premier. Ils ont la faveur en todo.
miklb_, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, miklb and KevinMarks joined the channel