#dev 2017-01-08

2017-01-08 UTC
tantek, KevinMarks and gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /events/2017-01-11-homebrew-website-club (-482) "/* Where */ Note next HWC Baltimore"
(view diff)
Hmm, apparently Microsoft has a standard for people tagging in XMP for photographs. petermolnar, did you ever run into that?
Zegnat I've been on linux for ~8 years now, so no, I have not
KartikPrabhu1, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
@kejsarmakten Yes, han kommer att stödja ett antal av de standarderna, såsom webmention som jag kör genom min tjänst https://webmention.herokuapp.com/
jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove joined the channel
Petermolnar, I was referring to you mostly as resident photo-meta-data expert ;) Apparently there is a workinggroup standard for xmp "regions" too, and those can be defined as "face". And then Microsoft forgot they were part of it and created their own thing that seems very much the same :/
that sounds like M$
don't dwell too deep into XMP
it's a rabbit hole
especially when you realize it can be localised per language
Yeah, that's why I was hoping it was a solved problem. http://www.metadataworkinggroup.com/ seems to be pretty good. But most people cite Microsoft's photo gallery thing as the only one to natively do xmp faces and they have their own namespace...
Maybe I should not be trying to figure this out on my phone on the train
tantek joined the channel
KevinMarks: why does your profile photo http://known.kevinmarks.com/file/9255656669173b7867ab839ee6556f9e redirect to a cloudfront URL that doesn't return a proper content-type headeR?
tantek, KartikPrabhu and chrisaldrich joined the channel
Hm, that's a question for benwerd really
tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel